Healthcheck not working on podman-compose if /bin/sh not available in container even when using CMD in heathcheck.test.
$ podman version
Client: Podman Engine
Version: 4.9.0
API Version: 4.9.0
Go Version: go1.21.6
Built: Wed Jan 24 13:07:27 2024
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
$ podman inspect --format "{{json .State.Health }}" healthcheck_test | jq
"Status": "unhealthy",
"FailingStreak": 18,
"Log": [
"Start": "2024-02-15T10:34:44.046709663+03:00",
"End": "2024-02-15T10:34:44.131872722+03:00",
"ExitCode": 1,
"Output": ""
podman-compose up starts container with command bellow, as you can see there /bin/sh prepended to --healthcheck-command
argument value.
podman create --name=healthcheck_test --label io.podman.compose.config-hash=b5184eebbcd6771431f65589acd3da493bee2c80599c8cbb1e22595b05923a72 --label io.podman.compose.project=healthcheck --label io.podman.compose.version=1.0.6 --label [email protected] --label com.docker.compose.project=healthcheck --label com.docker.compose.project.working_dir=/home/x-user/src/healthcheck --label com.docker.compose.project.config_files=docker-compose.yaml --label com.docker.compose.container-number=1 --label com.docker.compose.service=test --net healthcheck_default --network-alias test --healthcheck-command /bin/sh -c /healthcheck' 'http://localhost:8080/ping --healthcheck-interval 5s --healthcheck-timeout 5s --healthcheck-retries 5 healthcheck_test
So reason behind this behavior is how podman-compose convert this parameters to command line arguments for podman (link):
if healthcheck_test:
# If it's a string, it's equivalent to specifying CMD-SHELL
if is_str(healthcheck_test):
# podman does not add shell to handle command with whitespace
["--healthcheck-command", "/bin/sh -c " + cmd_quote(healthcheck_test)]
elif is_list(healthcheck_test):
healthcheck_test = healthcheck_test.copy()
# If it's a list, first item is either NONE, CMD or CMD-SHELL.
healthcheck_type = healthcheck_test.pop(0)
if healthcheck_type == "NONE":
elif healthcheck_type == "CMD":
cmd_q = "' '".join([cmd_quote(i) for i in healthcheck_test])
podman_args.extend(["--healthcheck-command", "/bin/sh -c " + cmd_q])
elif healthcheck_type == "CMD-SHELL":
if len(healthcheck_test) != 1:
raise ValueError("'CMD_SHELL' takes a single string after it")
cmd_q = cmd_quote(healthcheck_test[0])
podman_args.extend(["--healthcheck-command", "/bin/sh -c " + cmd_q])
raise ValueError(
f"unknown healthcheck test type [{healthcheck_type}],\
expecting NONE, CMD or CMD-SHELL."
raise ValueError("'healthcheck.test' either a string or a list")