- A simple http request proxy,request forward
- 一个简单的Http请求代理,请求转发
- By default, all headers and bodies of the request and the headers and bodies that return the target request will be forwarded
- 默认会转发请求的所有header、body和返回目标请求的header、body
- You can filter requests and responses through the filter method provided by RequestProxy, and you can add custom processing methods
- 可以通过RequestProxy提供的filter方法,进行请求和响应的过滤处理,可以添加自定义处理方法
- Relative path forwarding request
- 相对路径转发请求
composer install wuxue107/request-proxy
use wuxue107\request_proxy\RequestProxy;
use wuxue107\request_proxy\RequestProxy;
Proxy the third-party API and automatically handle the access token 代理第三方API并处理ACCESS_TOKEN 相对路径的转发请求,
use wuxue107\request_proxy\RequestProxy;
use \wuxue107\request_proxy\proxy\ServerRequest;
use \wuxue107\request_proxy\proxy\ServerResponse;
$app = WeWork::instance()->app;
->addFilter(function(ServerRequest $request,ServerResponse $response, $next) use ($app){
// Before send request run
// 请求支持执行
$agentId = $app->config->get('agent_id');
$corpId = $app->config->get('corp_id');
/** Replace parameter variable in request URL parameter*/
/** 请求URL参数中替换参数变量 */
$request->url = str_replace(['AGENT_ID','CORP_ID'],[$agentId,$corpId],$request->url);
/** 请求参数中注入参数ACCESS_TOKEN */
/** The parameter is injected into the request parameter ACCESS_TOKEN */
/** 请求参数中注入参数ACCESS_TOKEN */
$token = $app->access_token->getToken()['access_token'];
$request->url = addUrlParam($request->url,['access_token' => $token]);
$next($request,$response); // Do forgot call this
// After send request run
// 请求之后执行
use wuxue107\request_proxy\RequestProxy;
->filterAddRequestHeaders(['X-AUTH' => 'xxx','X-Content-Type' => 'json'])
->filterAddResponseHeaders(['Server: SOME'])
->filterAddResponseHeader('Server: SOME')