There are (at least) three great Comdirect REST API libraries:
- (Go)
- (Python)
- (C#/.NET)
These libraries heavily inspired the classes in this repository. Why another library?
- I wanted to integrate the API in a Java application and did not want to bundle the app with another "foreign language" package.
- I did not like to "callback" architecture for the challenge/response mechanism, but rather wanted to divide the login process into two stages.
This library is published on Maven Central. Use it by including in your POM:
You need a HTTP client instance and the Comdirect REST API OAuth2 credentials.
SimpleHttpClient myClient = new SimpleHttpClient();
LoginCredentials credentials = new LoginCredentials(
In the first step, you initiate the login.
InitiateLoginService service1 = new InitiateLoginService(myClient);
InitiateLoginResult result1 = service1.initiateLogin(credentials);
assertEquals(ChallengeType.PUSHTAN, result1.getChallengeType());
Depending on the challenge type, after acquiring user feedback (e.g., TAN) you can continue with the final step:
FinalizeLoginService service2 = new FinalizeLoginService(myClient);
ComdirectSession session = service2.finalizeLogin(credentials, result1, "");
The session is then required for all other API calls.
Acquire a list of accounts.
AccountService service3 = new AccountService(myClient);
AccountsPage accounts = service3.getAccounts(session);
assertTrue(accounts.getValues().size() > 0);
Read transactions for a given account.
TransactionsPage transactions = service3.getTransactions(session, accounts.getValues().get(0).getAccountId());
assertTrue(transactions.getValues().size() > 0);
I am happy to review pull requests. How about contributing a "Depot" resource?"