Release of 1.0.1.
- Enhancement: In WP Admin just strip tags from custom field labels instead of escaping them.
- Fix: When using Polylang, only the active language's restaurant listings will be displayed in the [restaurants] shortcode.
- Enhancement: Sanitize field input using different strategies.
- Change: Updates account-signin.php template to warn users email will be confirmed only if that is enabled.
- Enhancement: When retrieving listings in [restaurants] shortcode, setting orderby to rand_featured will still place featured listings at the top.
- Dev: Runs new actions (restaurant_listings_recent_restaurants_widget_before and restaurant_listings_recent_restaurants_widget_after) inside Recent Restaurants widget.
- Dev: Change get_the_restaurant_types() to return an empty array when restaurant types are disabled.
- Enhancement: Update language for setup wizard with more clear descriptions.
- Fix: Prevent duplicate attachments to restaurant listing posts for non-image media.
- Fix: PHP error on registration form due to missing placeholder text.
- Fix: Properly reset category selector on [restaurants] shortcode
- Fix: Show restaurant listing's published date in localized format
- Dev: Adds versions to template files so it is easier to tell when they are updated.
- Dev: Adds a new
action that allows you to override default behavior.