This is a webpack plugin especially designed for workerB packages in order to create meta.json files dynamically. So that developer does not have to maintain it manually.
npm install --save-dev wb-packager-webpack-plugin
with yarn
yarn add wb-packager-webpack-plugin -D
in package.json
"devDependencies": {
"wb-packager-webpack-plugin": "^1.1.2"
yarn install
npm install
in webpack.config.js file
import the plugin
const WBMetaJsonGenerator = require("wb-packager-webpack-plugin");
module.exports = {
plugins: [
new WBMetaJsonGenerator({
environment: "development",
package: "<package name>",
packageDescription: "<package descrition>",
packageIcon: "<package icon url(remote/local)>",
readmeFile: "README file url w.r.t. root directory",
folderDescriptionList: [{
path: "/boards",
description: "Display all the boards",
iconPath: "path to folder icon",
defaultAction: "any action script you want to execute by default fot this folder"
path: "/boards/option/lists",
description: "Display all the lists of the board"
- type: string
- value: current mode of webpack [
] - based on environment the plugin will get the description
- type: string
- value: name of the package
- usage: in root meta.json file name property
- type: string
- value: description of the package
- usage: in root meta.json file description property
- type: string
- value: icon/logo URL to display along the package name
- usage: in root meta.json icon property
- type: string
- value: file url w.r.t. root directory
- usage: README file will be added into package dist folder after build
- type: string
- value: icon/logo URL to display alongside every folder in the package
- usage: in every meta.json icon property
- type: array
- value: an array of object having folder path/ description as key value pair
{ path: "/boards/option/lists",
description: "Display all the lists of the board",
iconPath: "src/actions/icons/icon123.png", # optional
defaultAction: "open", #optional
/boards/option/lists represents the list folder relative path to src/action/ directory
"Display all the lists of the board" description of the list folder
- usage: to add description of required folder taht will be reflected in meta.json file
"/src/actions/icons/icon123.png" represent local path to the icon relative to root directory it can also have remote http path for icon like ""
add Uglifyjs Plugin in webpack.config.js
optimization: {
minimizer: [
new UglifyJsPlugin({
uglifyOptions: {
output: {
comments: /(@description|@name|@ignore)/i,
This will preserve all the comments in the file which has either @description or @name or @ignore present
in any .ts/.js file
// @description <add script/action description>
The description will be added in meta.json file just by adding a comment in each script/action with @description
add Comment with @ignore
on the top of that file
// @ignore
With this the file will not be added as a reference in meta.json file in the dist folder
While adding any special comments (contains either @description
or @ignore
or @name
) make sure to add Just before the any executable statement
1. // @description some description
2. import { some-function } from 'any-library';
if some-function is not used in the script means this line is not going to execute and it is the first most line after comments. In this case the @description comment will not going to preserve