SegmentJ is a custom ImageJ script to automatically create subscans from a larger 3D CT scan file, segment each subscan into individual grains, calculate morphological and other grain parameters, and export the subscan as a 3D-printable mesh file.
To use SegmentJ, you must have the following plugins:
- 3D Viewer
- MorphoLibJ
- Download "SegmentJ_script.ijm" and "SegmentJ Folder Template" from this repository.
- Add CT scans for segmenting into the "Scans (original)" folder.
- Start ImageJ and open "SegmentJ_script.ijm" from the File menu.
- Comment/Uncomment any calculations you don't need (For example, commenting out the "Export .STL mesh file" section will save a lot of time.
- Press "Run" in the bottom-left corner of the window.
- In the window that opens, select the folder containing all of the subfolders. The folders must be named exactly as they are in the template.
- In the next window, type in the desired subscan size (in pixels).
- The script should now run until completion.
- Subscans will be named identical to the original scan, but with _### appended.