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feat(c-bridge): implement new watch_dog actor
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guidiaz committed Aug 19, 2024
1 parent 8023c56 commit 0a983af
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Showing 3 changed files with 380 additions and 4 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions bridges/centralized-ethereum/src/actors/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,3 +12,6 @@ pub mod eth_poller;

/// wit_poller actor module
pub mod wit_poller;

/// watch_dog actor module
pub mod watch_dog;
364 changes: 364 additions & 0 deletions bridges/centralized-ethereum/src/actors/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
use crate::{
actors::dr_database::{CountDrsPerState, DrDatabase},
use actix::prelude::*;
use async_jsonrpc_client::{transports::tcp::TcpSocket, Transport};
use futures_util::compat::Compat01As03;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use serde_json::json;
use std::{
time::{Duration, Instant},
use web3::{
types::{H160, U256},
use witnet_net::client::tcp::{jsonrpc, JsonRpcClient};
use witnet_node::utils::stop_system_if_panicking;

/// EthPoller actor reads periodically new requests from the WRB Contract and includes them
/// in the DrDatabase
pub struct WatchDog {
/// JSON RPC connection to Wit/node
pub wit_jsonrpc_socket: String,
/// Bridge UTXO min value threshold
pub wit_utxo_min_value_threshold: u64,
/// Web3 object
pub eth_jsonrpc_url: String,
/// Web3 signer address
pub eth_account: H160,
/// WitOracle bridge contract
pub eth_contract: Option<Arc<Contract<web3::transports::Http>>>,
/// Polling period for global status
pub polling_rate_ms: u64,
/// Instant at which the actor is created
pub start_ts: Option<Instant>,
/// Eth balance upon first metric report:
pub start_eth_balance: Option<f64>,
/// Wit balance upon last refund
pub start_wit_balance: Option<f64>,

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct WatchDogOutput {
pub running_secs: u64,

impl Drop for WatchDog {
fn drop(&mut self) {
log::trace!("Dropping WatchDog");

/// Make actor from EthPoller
impl Actor for WatchDog {
/// Every actor has to provide execution Context in which it can run.
type Context = Context<Self>;

/// Method to be executed when the actor is started
fn started(&mut self, ctx: &mut Self::Context) {
log::debug!("WatchDog actor has been started!");

self.watch_global_status(None, None, ctx, Duration::from_millis(self.polling_rate_ms));

/// Required trait for being able to retrieve WatchDog address from system registry
impl actix::Supervised for WatchDog {}
impl SystemService for WatchDog {}

impl WatchDog {
/// Initialize from config
pub fn from_config(config: &Config, eth_contract: Arc<Contract<Http>>) -> Self {
Self {
wit_jsonrpc_socket: config.witnet_jsonrpc_socket.to_string(),
wit_utxo_min_value_threshold: config.witnet_utxo_min_value_threshold,
eth_account: config.eth_from,
eth_contract: Some(eth_contract),
eth_jsonrpc_url: config.eth_jsonrpc_url.clone(),
polling_rate_ms: config.watch_dog_polling_rate_ms,
start_ts: Some(Instant::now()),
start_eth_balance: None,
start_wit_balance: None,

fn watch_global_status(
&mut self,
eth_balance: Option<f64>,
wit_balance: Option<f64>,
ctx: &mut Context<Self>,
period: Duration,
) {
if self.start_eth_balance.is_none() && eth_balance.is_some() {
self.start_eth_balance = eth_balance;
if let Some(wit_balance) = wit_balance {
if wit_balance > self.start_wit_balance.unwrap_or_default() {
self.start_wit_balance = Some(wit_balance);
log::warn!("Wit account refunded to {} $WIT", wit_balance);
let start_eth_balance = self.start_eth_balance;
let start_wit_balance = self.start_wit_balance;
let wit_jsonrpc_socket = self.wit_jsonrpc_socket.clone();
let wit_utxo_min_value_threshold = self.wit_utxo_min_value_threshold;
let eth_jsonrpc_url = self.eth_jsonrpc_url.clone();
let eth_account = self.eth_account;
let eth_contract_address = self.eth_contract.clone().unwrap().address();
let running_secs = self.start_ts.unwrap().elapsed().as_secs();

let fut = async move {
let mut status = "up-and-running".to_string();

if let Err(err) = check_wit_connection_status(&wit_jsonrpc_socket).await {
status = err;
let wit_client = JsonRpcClient::start(&wit_jsonrpc_socket)
.expect("cannot start JSON/WIT connection");
let wit_account = match fetch_wit_account(&wit_client).await {
Ok(pkh) => pkh,
Err(err) => {
if status.eq("up-and-running") {
status = err;

let wit_balance = match wit_account.clone() {
Some(pkh) => match fetch_wit_account_balance(&wit_client, pkh.as_str()).await {
Ok(wit_balance) => wit_balance,
Err(err) => {
if status.eq("up-and-running") {
status = err;
None => None,

let wit_utxos_above_threshold = match wit_account.clone() {
Some(pkh) => {
match fetch_wit_account_count_utxos_above(
Ok(wit_utxos_above_threshold) => wit_utxos_above_threshold,
Err(err) => {
if status.eq("up-and-running") {
status = err;
None => None,

let eth_balance = match check_eth_account_balance(&eth_jsonrpc_url, eth_account).await {
Ok(Some(eth_balance)) => {
let eth_balance: f64 = eth_balance.to_string().parse().unwrap_or_default();
Some(eth_balance / 1000000000000000000.0)
Ok(None) => None,
Err(err) => {
if status.eq("up-and-running") {
status = err;

let dr_database = DrDatabase::from_registry();
let (_, drs_pending, drs_finished, _) =

let mut metrics: String = "{".to_string();
metrics.push_str(&format!("\"drsFinished\": {drs_finished}, "));
metrics.push_str(&format!("\"drsPending\": {drs_pending}, "));
metrics.push_str(&format!("\"evmAccount\": \"{eth_account}\", "));
if eth_balance.is_some() {
let eth_balance = eth_balance.unwrap();
metrics.push_str(&format!("\"evmBalance\": {:.5}, ", eth_balance));
metrics.push_str(&format!("\"evmContract\": \"{eth_contract_address}\", "));
if let Some(start_eth_balance) = start_eth_balance {
let eth_hourly_earnings =
((eth_balance - start_eth_balance) / running_secs as f64) * 3600_f64;
"\"evmHourlyEarnings\": {:.5}, ",
if wit_account.is_some() {
metrics.push_str(&format!("\"witAccount\": {:?}, ", wit_account.unwrap()));
if wit_balance.is_some() {
let wit_balance = wit_balance.unwrap();
metrics.push_str(&format!("\"witBalance\": {:.5}, ", wit_balance));
if let Some(start_wit_balance) = start_wit_balance {
let wit_hourly_expenditure =
((start_wit_balance - wit_balance) / running_secs as f64) * 3600_f64;
"\"witHourlyExpenditure\": {:.1}, ",
metrics.push_str(&format!("\"witNodeSocket\": \"{}\", ", wit_jsonrpc_socket));
if wit_utxos_above_threshold.is_some() {
"\"witUtxosAboveThreshold\": {}, ",
metrics.push_str(&format!("\"runningSecs\": {running_secs}, "));
metrics.push_str(&format!("\"status\": \"{status}\""));

(eth_balance, wit_balance)

.then(move |(eth_balance, wit_balance), _act, ctx| {
// Schedule next iteration only when finished,
// as to avoid multiple tasks running in parallel
ctx.run_later(period, move |act, ctx| {
act.watch_global_status(eth_balance, wit_balance, ctx, period);

async fn check_eth_account_balance(
eth_jsonrpc_url: &str,
eth_account: H160,
) -> Result<Option<U256>, String> {
let web3_http = web3::transports::Http::new(eth_jsonrpc_url)
.map_err(|_e| "evm-disconnect".to_string())

let web3 = web3::Web3::new(web3_http);
match web3.eth().syncing().await {
Ok(syncing) => match syncing {
web3::types::SyncState::NotSyncing => {
match web3.eth().balance(eth_account, None).await {
Ok(balance) => Ok(Some(balance)),
_ => Ok(None),
web3::types::SyncState::Syncing(_) => Err("evm-syncing".to_string()),
Err(_e) => Err("evm-errors".to_string()),

async fn check_wit_connection_status(wit_jsonrpc_socket: &str) -> Result<(), String> {
let (_handle, wit_client) = TcpSocket::new(wit_jsonrpc_socket).unwrap();
let wit_client = Arc::new(wit_client);
let res = wit_client.execute("syncStatus", json!(null));
let res = Compat01As03::new(res);
let res = tokio::time::timeout(Duration::from_secs(5), res).await;

match res {
Ok(Ok(_)) => Ok(()),
Ok(Err(_)) => Err("wit-syncing".to_string()),
Err(_elapse) => Err("wit-disconnect".to_string()),

async fn fetch_wit_account(wit_client: &Addr<JsonRpcClient>) -> Result<Option<String>, String> {
let req = jsonrpc::Request::method("getPkh").timeout(Duration::from_secs(5));
let res = wit_client.send(req).await;
match res {
Ok(Ok(res)) => match serde_json::from_value::<String>(res) {
Ok(pkh) => Ok(Some(pkh)),
Err(_) => Ok(None),
Ok(Err(_)) => Ok(None),
Err(_) => Err("wit-errors-getPkh".to_string()),

async fn fetch_wit_account_balance(
wit_client: &Addr<JsonRpcClient>,
wit_account: &str,
) -> Result<Option<f64>, String> {
let req = jsonrpc::Request::method("getBalance")
.params(vec![wit_account, "true"])
.expect("getBalance wrong params");

let res = wit_client.send(req).await;
let res = match res {
Ok(res) => res,
Err(_) => {
return Err("wit-errors-getBalance".to_string());

match res {
Ok(value) => match value.get("total") {
Some(value) => match value.as_f64() {
Some(value) => Ok(Some(value / 1000000000.0)),
None => Ok(None),
None => Ok(None),
Err(_) => Err("wit-errors-getBalance".to_string()),

async fn fetch_wit_account_count_utxos_above(
wit_client: &Addr<JsonRpcClient>,
wit_account: &str,
threshold: u64,
) -> Result<Option<u64>, String> {
let req = jsonrpc::Request::method("getUtxoInfo")
.expect("getUtxoInfo wrong params");

let res = wit_client.send(req).await;
let res = match res {
Ok(res) => res,
Err(_) => {
return Err("wit-errors-getUtxoInfo".to_string());

match res {
Ok(utxo_info) => {
if let Some(utxos) = utxo_info["utxos"].as_array() {
let mut counter: u64 = u64::default();
for utxo in utxos {
if let Some(value) = utxo["value"].as_u64() {
if value >= threshold {
counter += 1;

} else {
Err(_) => Err("wit-errors-getUtxoInfo".to_string()),

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