master and stack layout in i3
| ------ | ----- |
| | |
| Master | Stack |
| | |
| ------ | ----- |
implement master and stack layout like dwm in i3
open first terminal in floating mode and default position
you don't need to open the first terminal full screen. It will better if the terminal is display floating center on your screen when you open another window it will change to tilling mode .
swap from any window to master with shorcut
move from any window to master with shorcut
swallow instance
this version is focus on i3 master and it is different to another swallow version because it will try to restore the original position when you move the swallow instance
- python3
- i3ipc-python
- xdotool
- xprop
- xdo
Install python 3 and install i3ipc libary
pip3 install i3ipc
Install xdotool xprop and xdo
download this script and put it to your i3 config folder and run
cd ~/.config/i3/
git clone
put it to your i3 config
exec --no-startup-id $HOME/.config/i3/i3-master-stack/i3_master
# swap to master node
bindsym $mod+m nop swap master
# go to master node
bindsym $mod+shift+m nop go master
# enable/disable master layout in current workspace
bindsym $mod+alt+m nop master toggle
reload i3 and testing layout
cd ~/.config/i3/i3-master-stack
python3 ./
you can run it use bash file i3_master
run script first and it will create a config file
terminal = 'Alacritty'
screenWidth = 1300
screenHeight = 800
posX = 310
posY = 160
swallow = true
; different size between master and slave (unit : ppt)
masterSizePlus = 14
; new instance on master will change to master
slaveStack = true
Note: Use
xdotool selectwindow getwindowgeometry
change size and get a good postion on floating window
if your file manager is not working with the swallow function. You need to add scripts.
Example vifm
- Copy file swallow to folder
. - Edit /vifmrc
filextype *.bmp,*.jpg,*.jpeg,*.png,*.gif,*.xpm \ {View in feh} \ swallow feh %f, \ {View in gpicview} \ gpicview %c, \ {View in shotwell} \ shotwell,
Swallow when stack have 1 instance is bad
Swallow use xprop and xdotool is slow.