gulp plugin to create istanbul reports from pre-collected coverage files.
This gulp plugin creates reports using Istanbul from a stream of JSON coverage files (such as those generated by mocha-phantomjs-istanbul).
While gulp-istanbul works well for the basic scenario, operating directly on coverage files provides some flexibility that can come in handy when coverage information is collected elsewhere (e.g. in a browser).
$ npm install gulp-istanbul-report --save-dev
Here's an example using it together with mocha-phantomjs-istanbul:
var mochaPhantomJS = require('gulp-mocha-phantomjs');
var istanbulReport = require('gulp-istanbul-report');
var coverageFile = './coverage/coverage.json';
var mochaPhantomOpts = {
phantomjs: {
hooks: 'mocha-phantomjs-istanbul',
coverageFile: coverageFile
gulp.task('test', function () {
gulp.src('test-runner.html', {read: false})
.on('finish', function() {
A list of reporters to use. See require('istanbul').Report.getReportList()
You can specify either just a name of the reporter as string, or an object with the name specified in name
, where the other fields are treated as options for the reporter. Example:
reporters: [
'text-summary', // outputs summary to stdout, uses default options
{name: 'text', file: 'full.txt'} // writes full report to file
The directory that reports should be written to. Will be applied to all reporters that don't explicitly override it.
Default options to be applied to reporters who don't explicitly override them.
reporterOpts: {
dir: './coverage'
reporters: [
{'name': 'text', file: 'report.txt'}, // -> ./coverage/report.txt
{'name': 'json', file: 'cov.json', dir: './jsonCov'} // -> ./jsonCov/cov.json