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Standard Widgets
Sean McAllister edited this page May 2, 2014
1 revision
A standard window
Does not have any widget specific options or events
An MLWindow window
MLNodeClick(strNode, tAttributes, eButton)
A standard Button
Attribute | Desc | Houston Reference | Data Type |
Base | Button | Sprite | |
ButtonType | Button | String | |
RadioGroup | Button | String | |
NormalTextColor | Button | Color | |
PressedTextColor | Button | Color | |
PressedFlybyTextColor | Button | Color | |
FlybyTextColor | Button | Color | |
DisabledTextColor | Button | Color | |
ContentType | Button | String | |
ContentId | Button | Number | |
GlobalRadioGroup | Button | String | |
BuzzerFrequency | Button | Number | |
SetHotkey | Button | String | |
SetMetakey | Button | String | |
CheckboxRight | StyleEx | Boolean | |
DrawAsCheckbox | StyleEx | Boolean | |
DrawHotkey | StyleEx | Boolean | |
DrawClientSprite | StyleEx | Boolean | |
IfHoldNoSignal | StyleEx | Boolean | |
RadioDisallowNonSelection | StyleEx | Boolean | |
RadioAlwaysSignal | StyleEx | Boolean | |
ProcessRightClick | StyleEx | Boolean | |
UseWindowTextColor | StyleEx | Boolean |
A standard PushButton
Inherits from the Button
Similar to the PushButton
but fires the ButtonSignal
at a set interval while the button is being pressed.
Inherits from the Button
A standard CheckBox
Inherits from the Button
A ComboBox
Has all the same problems as the Houston provided combobox. Carbine developer(s) have stated that this control will probably be retired in a future build.
Attribute | Desc | Houston Reference | Data Type |
AllowTextEditing | Broken | StylesEx | Boolean |
NoScrollbar | StylesEx | Boolean | |
AutoSize | StylesEx | Boolean | |
UseTheme | Skins the combobox | Added by GeminiGUI | Boolean |
DropdownBtnBase | Base kit for button | Added by GeminiGUI | Sprite |
DropdownBtnWidth | Width of button | Added by GeminiGUI | Sprite |
ComboBoxSelectionChanging(iRow, iOldRow)
A standard Progress Bar
Attribute | Desc | Houston Reference | Data Type |
SetTextToProgress | StylesEx | Boolean | |
UseValues | StylesEx | Boolean | |
IgnoreMax | StylesEx | Boolean | |
UsePercent | StylesEx | Boolean | |
DrawTextOnFlyby | StylesEx | Boolean | |
EdgeGlow | StylesEx | Boolean | |
NoClipEdgeGlow | StylesEx | Boolean | |
DrawTicks | StylesEx | Boolean | |
VerticallyAlign | StylesEx | Boolean | |
BRtoLT | StylesEx | Boolean | |
UseTextRect | StylesEx | Boolean | |
PolygonalClipping | StylesEx | Boolean | |
RadialBar | StylesEx | Boolean | |
Clockwise | StylesEx | Boolean | |
AutoSetText | Undocumented | Boolean | |
BarColor | Bar Color | Color | |
ProgressEmpty | Other Sprites | Sprite | |
ProgressEdgeGlow | Other Sprites | Sprite | |
ProgressFill | Other Sprites | Sprite | |
ProgressFull | Other Sprites | Sprite | |
TickOn | Other Sprites | Sprite | |
TickOff | Other Sprites | Sprite | |
TextX | Text Rect | Number | |
TextY | Text Rect | Number | |
TextWidth | Text Rect | Number | |
TextHeight | Text Rect | Number | |
x0 | Points | Number | |
y0 | Points | Number | |
x1 | Points | Number | |
y1 | Points | Number | |
x2 | Points | Number | |
y2 | Points | Number | |
x3 | Points | Number | |
y3 | Points | Number | |
RadialMin | degrees | Radial Bar Range | Number |
RadialMax | degrees | Radial Bar Range | Number |
A standard EditBox
Attribute | Desc | Houston Reference | Data Type |
MultiLine | StylesEx | Boolean | |
ReadOnly | StylesEx | Boolean | |
DefaultTarget | StylesEx | Boolean | |
Password | StylesEx | Boolean | |
WantTab | StylesEx | Boolean | |
WantReturn | StylesEx | Boolean | |
SizeToFit | StylesEx | Boolean | |
KeepStringList | StylesEx | Boolean | |
ClearOnEscape | StylesEx | Boolean | |
NoSelectOnFocus | StylesEx | Boolean | |
LoseFocusOnExternalClick | StylesEx | Boolean |
EditBoxChanging(strNewText, strOldText, bAllowed)
A standard Grid
Attribute | Desc | Houston Reference | Data Type |
MultiColumn | StylesEx | Boolean | |
HeaderRow | StylesEx | Boolean | |
VariableHeight | StylesEx | Boolean | |
SelectWholeRow | StylesEx | Boolean | |
MultiSelect | StylesEx | Boolean | |
FocusOnMouseOver | StylesEx | Boolean | |
AutoSizeX | StylesEx | Boolean | |
AutoSizeY | StylesEx | Boolean | |
FocusOnClick | StylesEx | Boolean | |
CellBGBase | Grid | Sprite | |
HeaderBG | Grid | Sprite | |
HeaderFont | Grid | String | |
HeaderHeight | Grid | Number | |
RowHeight | Grid | Number | |
HorzRowMargin | Grid | Number | |
HorzCellMargin | Grid | Number | |
VertRowMargin | Grid | Number | |
ImageTextSpacing | Grid | Number | |
TextNormalColor | Grid - Text Color | Color | |
TextSelectedColor | Grid - Text Color | Color | |
TextNormalFocusColor | Grid - Text Color | Color | |
TextSelectedFocusColor | Grid - Text Color | Color | |
TextDisabledColor | Grid - Text Color | Color | |
CellBGNormalColor | Grid - Cell Color | Color | |
CellBGSelectedColor | Grid - Cell Color | Color | |
CellBGNormalFocusColor | Grid - Cell Color | Color | |
CellBGSelectedFocusColor | Grid - Cell Color | Color | |
CellBGDisabledColor | Grid - Cell Color | Color |
Attribute | Description | DataType |
Name | Text to be displayed | String |
Width | Column width | Number |
TextColor | Text color | Color |
Image | Image | Sprite |
MinWidth | Minimum Column Width | Number |
MaxWidth | Maximum Column Width | Number |
MergeLeft | Merge Left | Boolean |
SimpleSort | Simple Sort | Boolean |
DT_CENTER | Center Text Flag | Boolean |
DT_VCENTER | Vert. Center Text Flag | Boolean |
DT_RIGHT | Right Align Text Flag | Boolean |
DT_BOTTOM | Bottom Align Text Flag | Boolean |
DT_WORDBREAK | Word Break Text Flag | Boolean |
DT_SINGLELINE | Single Line Text Flag | Boolean |
GridSelChange(iRow, iCol)
GridDoubleClick(iRow, iCol)
GridSelChanging(iRow, iCol, iCurrRow, iCurrCol, bAllowChange)
A standard Slider
Attribute | Desc | Houston Reference | Data Type |
DiscreteTicks | StylesEx | Boolean | |
DrawTicks | StylesEx | Boolean | |
InstantMouseReact | StylesEx | Boolean | |
UseButtons | StylesEx | Boolean | |
LeftCap | Sprites | Sprite | |
RightCap | Sprites | Sprite | |
Middle | Sprites | Sprite | |
Thumb | Sprites | Sprite | |
Tick | Sprites | Sprite | |
IncButton | Sprites | Sprite | |
DecButton | Sprites | Sprite | |
Min | Other Attributes | Number | |
Max | Other Attributes | Number | |
TickAmount | Other Attributes | Number | |
InitialValue | Other Attributes | Number |
SliderBarChanged(fNewValue, fOldValue)
SliderBarChanging(fNewValue, fOldValue, bAllowed)
A standard TreeControl
Attribute | Desc | Houston Reference | Data Type |
NoSelection | StylesEx | Boolean | |
NoLines | StylesEx | Boolean | |
NoButtons | StylesEx | Boolean | |
UseNodeColor | StylesEx | Boolean | |
NormalBG | Node | Sprite | |
SelectedBG | Node | Sprite | |
ExpandButton | Node | Sprite | |
CollapseButton | Node | Sprite | |
MinimumNodeHeight | Node | Number | |
VLine | Line | Sprite | |
NodeLine | Line | Sprite | |
LastNodeLine | Line | Sprite |
TreeSelectionChanged(hSelected, hPrevSelected)
TreeSelectionChanging(hNode, hSelected, bAllowed)