TickDynamic - Forge 1.7.10- - 0.2.0 Dev3
NOTE: This is a Development release! This is generally not safe for use in a production server, and is here to allow for testing out before the final release. It's recommended you do a world backup before testing!
Go to http://stjerncraft.com/tickdynamic/ for the final releases.
Changes for dev3
- Worlds should now properly unload without leaking
- Added new command: 'reloadgroups', which will reload all groups, and reassign any loaded Entities or TileEntities into the new group setup. Note: This is currently a brute force approach, I would appreciate any feedback on the impact this command has on a server under load.
- Config fixes, it should now more properly respect global groups and default settings.
- Entities should now properly unload
- Other stability fixes
Features in 0.2.0
- New Group system. You can now define groups with their own options and time allotment, and put Entities/TileEntities into them. You can add by using Entity/Block name, Class name or Mod name.(Still W.I.P.)
- Because of this, the old config will no longer work, please see example config after first restart.
- New Chat command system.
listworlds [page]: List and overview of all the worlds, and their time usage
world (worldid) [page]: Detailed list of Groups and time usage for the given world
If you find any new issues, crashes or inconsistencies, please create a new issue, explaining the problem. It's recommended that you turn on debug in the tickdynamic config and providing the server log.