Discord bot which moves all users to a specific voice channel when it gets a command. Used to reset teams.
Uses two bots (per team) to increase the number of players that can be moved before discord's rate limit.
version: '3.6'
image: chickenbellyfin/discord-team-reset-bot
container_name: discord-team-reset-bot-ds
- './data/discord-team-reset-bot-ds:/data'
restart: unless-stopped
image: chickenbellyfin/discord-team-reset-bot
container_name: discord-team-reset-bot-be
- './data/discord-team-reset-bot-be:/data'
restart: unless-stopped
# copy to config.yaml
discord_bot_token: '<BE_DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN_HERE>'
bot_triggers: ['@team-reset', '/tr']
bot_channel_id: 853496607017795584 # #bots text channel
from_channels: ['[Bb]lood.*[Ee]agle', '[Bb][Ee]']
to_channel_id: 999517387319672852 # #Lobby voice channel
discord_bot_token: '<DS_DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN_HERE>'
bot_channel_id: 853496607017795584 # #bots text channel
# listen for mentions of @team-reset
bot_triggers: ['@team-reset', '/tr']
from_channels: ['[Dd]iamond.*[Ss]word', '[Dd][Ss]']
to_channel_id: 999517387319672852 # #Lobby voice channel
Note that the BE & DS bot tokens must be two spearate bots.
Bot Setup:
- Bot -> select server members intent
- Bot -> select message content intent
- Bot -> copy the token for config.yaml
- OAuth2 -> URL Generator
- click Scopes -> bot
- Bot Permissions:
- Read messages/view channels
- Add reactions
- Move members
- Copy URL and paste into browser to add to server
After those 3 files are created, run docker compose up -d