This repository contains the code and models for our CS182 Fall 2023 Project:
Ria Doshi*, Stefanie Gschwind*, Carolyn Wang*, Max Wilcoxson*
You can start by cloning our repository and following the steps below.
Install the dependencies for our code using Conda. You may need to adjust the environment YAML file depending on your setup.
conda env create -f environment.yml conda activate in-context-learning
To train a Polynomial Regression Model run the following line in your terminal:
python --config conf/toy_chebyshev.yaml
Edit the toy_chebyshev.yaml file you want to change aspects of the model or training such as: batch size, learning rate, # training steps, the range of polynomial degrees the model is trained on, or other aspects of the curriculum. Two brief notes on changing the range of the polynomial degrees for training: i. To change the lowest degree polynomial seen, change the "lowest_degree" value inside of the 'task_kwargs' dictionary ii. To change the highest degree polynomial seen, chnage BOTH the 'start' and 'end' parameters found under 'deg' to the degree value you want it to be
To change whether or not you have noise in your training you need to edit the file in one location. Inside of the file, change the 'noise' flag in the evaluate function definition (line 158) to 'True' and set the noise_variance to be your desired value.
To evaluate your model: The test.ipynb notebook contains code to load our own pre-trained model from the curriculum learning experiment and plot the model performance. You can toggle the noise flag to see how the model performs on noisy data.
Codebase Forked From the Below Paper:
What Can Transformers Learn In-Context? A Case Study of Simple Function Classes
Shivam Garg*, Dimitris Tsipras*, Percy Liang, Gregory Valiant