This repository contains all the codes used to compete in public (remotely) competitions or to carry out some self-training sessions.
In the CPPoliTo folder you will find codes used for training sessions offered by the university team at Politecnico di Torino having the same name. This incredible team is composed of extraordinary individuals passionate about competitive programming. We attend lessons, exchange tips, algorithms, have fun, and engage in friendly competition with each other. You can find here its Linkedin page.
In the Codeforces folder there are mainly competitions I took part. There are both solved problem in live competing sessions or even codes used for training on old ones. I've been competing since november, so the first round I took part to is the 903 one.
In the Others folder there are codes used for other competitions, mainly got from codeforces itself, but related to external companies.
In the Swerc folder there are codes used for training on past editions of the Southwestern Europe Regional Contest (SWERC), to prepare myself for representing my university in this international competition.
In the LeetCode folder there are hard problems solved to sharpen fundamentals of competitive programming. Only hard problems solved on my LeetCode profile.