Link to the working product:
Matt Wieciech- html/css/js/Twitch API
Andrew Raines- html/css/js/PandaScore API
Jason Cruz- html/css/js/Bulma CDN/js/Presentation
Brandon Perez- html/css//Bulma CDN/js
Select Difficulty is a mobile-friendly website tailored to both avid eSports fans as well as beginner fans who are open to being introduced to the world of competitive video gaming. Beginners can come to learn by watching gaming personalities, and be immersed in the competitive nature of major tournaments. This is done with regular website maintenance, and the integration of the Twitch and PandaScore APIs.
The Homepage is an intuitive landing page to guide users to their game of choice while catching their eyes with tournament banners
The PandaScore API allows users to relay ongoing tournament information for the selected game. The Twitch API provides users with a selection of live streamers.
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Bulma CDN
PandaScore API
Twitch API
Copyright(c) 2020 By Matthew Wieciech This software is licensed under MIT license.