Python3 (assuming your default python installation is python) Good to use pyvenv: python -m venv /path/to/new/virtual/environment
- pip3 install colorama spacy python-levenshtein json2table javalang
- python -m spacy download en_core_web_lg
- ulimit -Sn 409600
All code in base should have --help available. PrivacySimilarity takes a while to start up because of the spacy module library. Debug options require a random argument right now. (e.g. -d 1)
RunAnalysis runs full analysis with results written to dir youre running from.
- CodeExtractor -> PrivacySimilarity -> results
- there are post analysis scripts in ./tools/ancilliary_tools
- Results also written to html tables if you ever want to make a web app to run analysis and show results.
- All apps and app results expected to written to App category sub directories.
- Makes use of multiprocessing and concurrent processes via yeild statements.