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Repository files navigation

What are these files is a program with django , like manager means the directory is a python package it is overall settings of website it tells to return a function,page to request

django commands

django-admin startproject Xpiarance //to start project [init tells python that it is a python package] python runserver//to run the localhost python startapp music //to make an app [migrations connect your website with database] [apps are the configuraton files] [models are templates (Blueprints) for database Lets assume what tables we want in our database like music has Albums , Songs] [tests are for checking bugs] [views performs and sends response for a user request] python makemigrations music [after making for music and listing in of the tutorial]


	whenever a user makes a request , django searches for the urlpatterns
	url(r'^admin/', second is the response
	Since there would be many users and many people using the site it would be much easier if we make a in the music folder. Try to make everything related to app in the apps' directory only.


	copy paste.

	from . import views //wehenever something user requests we send response so we need to import so that we could use the things of views to use in the response.

	url(r'^$', views.index , name='index')// '$' sign here means homepage. nothing after that.	views.index is the thing to  be returned.

	Now the website/ does not knows about the music/urls so we do some changes.

	from django.conf.urls import include, url #include do help to know about the other files also.

	url(r'^music/', include('music.urls')), add this code it tells that if anything starts with music then repond to music.url


	clear the

	views sends the Http response so add this
	from django.http import HttpResponse

	now make a function named as index
	    return HttpResponse("Things to display here")

CrEATING database

	On line 77 of you will find that the default database is "sqlite3"

	Now we need to configure the databaase with the code

	On lne 33 you can find that there are bunch of apps ready to use.

	Our code is not yet in sync with the databases
	`python migrate` to sync it.
	Actual happening behind the scene is that it goes to the INSTALLED_APPS in and see each and every app then it tries to look that what tables each app needs and it sets up the tables.

Creating models

	Like our app need titles, songs, artist ,genre

	So we need to create database.

	It gets each variable from the code and converts it to a column in the database.

	Now create class Album.
	every Blueprint you create is inherited from the modelsss.Models

	`artist = models.CharField(max_length=100)` here artist is the variable here , CharField() tells that what type of data will the variable will hold in database.

	`album - models.ForeignKey(Albumn,on_delete=models.CASCADE)` in class songs there are many songs related to one album so we need some type of link for that we use ForeignKey.

	Like we have album of kishhor kumar and his songs so now PrimaryKey of albums is 1 and the ForeignKey of the songs is also 1 in this way they are related.

	on_delete=models.CASCADE means that since if you delete the whole albums the songs also need to be deleted.

	PrimaryKey is the unique key for each and every album in database . Like there may be many albumns with same name so ther is unique ID to avoid any such mess.

	Now we have made a app so now list it in the list of INSTALLED_APPS .

	Make a and code it.

	Now we have made everything ready except one thing we haven't reflected it yet in our database.

python makemigrations music after making for music and listing in . It tels that we have made some changes in the and now we need to reflect it in our database.

python migrate to execute the changes

Next are not necessary python sqlmigrate music 0001// [migration means change in database] [creates tablesin databse] python migrate //py

Database API

	Now we will learn something about the database
	here are the ```
	pyhton shell //to open workspace

	from music.models import Album,Song // to import the things stored.

	Album.objects.all() // to view al the objects of the class Albums.

	a=Album(artist="Lata Mangeshkar" , album_title="Deshbhakti" , genre="Patriotic" , album_logo="")	//to make an object //to save the databse


	b.artist='Taylor Swift'

	//Now when you use it shows all the albums in the databsase

	But the things stored in database are not fully listed when tou want to see it.
	So we will build a new function now in

	def __str__(self):
        return self.album_title+'-'+self.artist

	This helps to return a string giving the things stored.

	Gives the album with pk is 2.


	python createsuperuser //creates a sueruser which has access to the database

	But we still don't have access to our other things we stored using shell.

	Goto music/
	`from .models import Album`
	This tells the admin that it has now access to the Album just like w
	Now search e did in the shell.
	Also register the Album.

Adding another webpage

	//for music home/AlbumId/
	//[0-9] tells that the id we will be receiving is a number and the + after indicates the this would be a long integer

url(r'^(?P<album_id>[0-9]+)$', viwes.detail , name='detail') It requests for details in view so make a function there Also

	In views add
	```def detail(request,album_id):
	    return HttpResponse("<h2>Details for Album Id :"+str(albumId)"</h2>")

	Now search ``````
	You can search all these but still there is no verification yet as it is not connected to the database. Now we need to verify the availibilty.

	Add this in the views
	`from .models import Album`

	```def index(request):
	    #a variable that gets all the albums by connection to database
	    html=''	#simply a variable

	    for album in all_album:
	        html+='<a href="'+url+'"">'+album.album_title+'<a><br>'

	    return HttpResponse("html)


seprating the html from python

	See the music/index.html

	Also add  in ```def index(request):
	    template = loader.get_template('music/index.html')
	    # This is dictionary
	        'all_album' : all_album,
	    return HttpResponse(template.render(context,request))

A shortcut way of getting things done

	delete from django.template import loader

	replace it by

	from django.shortcuts import render

	in this render function HttpResponse is provided

	New code
	def index(request):
	        'all_album' : all_album,
	    return render(request,'music/index.html',context)


Raising a 404 request

	`from django.http import Http404`

	If Album requested not found the raise a error
	Add this snippet in
	```def detaiil(request,albumn_id):
	    except Album.DoesNotExist:
	        raise Http404("Album does not defined")
	    return render(request,'music/index.html',context)
	Now retuurn the details of the album
	make a detail.html files
	```{{ album }}
	you can also Http error like this
	``` from django.shortcuts import render , get_object_or_404
	def detaiil(request,albumn_id):
	    album = get_object_or_404(Album,pk=album_id)
	    return render(request,'music/index.html',context)


Adding songs to database

	Now since we have to many songs so its better to have a string representation of those songs

	`return self.song_title`

	from .models import Album ,Song
	This line makes the songs panel also displayed on the admin panel

	No need to do migrations now as we have not changed the database structure.

	open shell
	from music.models import Alubum,Song

	album1=Album.objects.get(pk=1) to get the
	album with the PrimaryKey.


	## Other way to do this
			You can access the songs of album

			album1.song_set.create(Song_title='I love m india' , file_type='mp3')

Designing the detail templates

	```<img src="{{ album.album_logo}}">

	<h1>{{ album.album_title }}</h1>
	<h3>{{ album.artist }}</h3>

	  {% for song in album.song_set.all %}
	  <li>{{song.song_title}}- {{song.file_type}}</li>
	  {{% endfor %}}

Remove hardcoded urls

	we will work with the index.html

	```{% if all_album %}
	    {% for album in all_album %}
	    <!--<li><a href="#">Album Title here</li>-->
	    	<li><a href="/music/{{album_id}}/">{{album.album_title}}</a></li>
	    	{% endfor %}
	{% else %}
	  <h1>You don't have any albums yet</h1>
	{% endif %}

	remenber in we declared the url and gave it a name.
	The name variable here is the name of te url

Simple Forms

	we added a new attribute in model to add songs to favourite

	Now when a user marks a song as favourite redirection to the same website is done after performing some changes.


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