Releases: wellcaffeinated/PhysicsJS
PhysicsJS 0.7.0
ability to set alpha, strokeAlpha, and fillAlpha on pixi renderer
added regular polygon vertex helper
feature: renderers now automatically resize
feature re #37 methods transform world/body coords
added special debug renderer
added velocity-verlet integrator
added body sleeping
added options for sleeping, world.wakeUpAll()
added deep copy option to options helper
re #109, #108, #103. Major fixes to pixi renderer
fixes #132. pixi renderer handles body removal
fix: renderers now render points too
fixes #101. interactive behavior uses .applyTo
re #122. fixes multi-grabbing the same body
fixes #92. pubsub handles fns on prototype better
fixes #95. empty arrays handled
fix re #76. sweep prune had wrong aabb dims
fix for #76 polygon collision detection
fix: circle collisions without overlap were faulty
fix for pubsub priorities
fix for timestep rounding errors
bug fix: multiple calls to ticker.start fixed.
fix interpolation rendering on follow
documentation fix for #104
fix for issue #94
fix issue #99
safer window context fix
PhysicsJS v0.6.0 (beta)
Beta release!
Here's what's new:'s-New#version-v060
PhysicsJS 0.5.4 (alpha)
small fix to umd
fix issue #31. HTMLElements are removed from dom as bodies are removed from world.
fix issue #62. don't allow duplicates to be added to world. added has() method
PhysicsJS v0.5.3 (alpha)
- fix for issue #38
- feature: vector.rotate method accepts angle inputs
- fix for incorrect vector inverse transform
- feature: world constructor accepts arrays of callback functions which can return promises
- fix for issue #10
PhysicsJS v0.5.2 (alpha)
physicsjs-v0.5.2-alpha examples fixes