Introducing Reflex Functions
We're in our second generation here and so much has changed since v1
- Name: We've now renamed to Reflex Functions - from Subscript Functions.
- API: We've now moved away from managing state statically via a static
method. State management is now made possible by areflect()
function returned on each call to a Reflex Function. - No more support features like live inspector for now, as we couldn't keep that in sync with the evolution of the core project.
- And most importantly, we're now a very sophisticated compiler at heart! Reflex Functions is a lot of powerful compile time heuristics at play
- We've now introduced the idea of a lighter build of Reflex Functions - called Reflex Functions Lite - while has its compiler loaded asynchronously and into a Web Worker! This will help improve the loading performance outlook for Reflex-based applications.