Yet another performance test for Oracle, PostreSQL and MySQL. The test can run one of a number of tests against Oracle, PostgreSQL and MySQL. Currently it has been tested on Oracle 19c, 20c and PostgreSQL 12. It's a trivial test and not much about the capabilities of any of the databases can be derived from it.
The test does expect you have created a database and user to allow the application to connect to.
You can run the test one step at a time i.e. create tables, insert data, create indexes etc or run one of main task "full". On most occasions the expectation is that you'd rull a full test with a different rowcount and different numbers of users. For a "full" workload the expectation, unless you explcitly request it the results will be written to files. You can change this with the -o
usage: parameters:
-async run async transactions, defaults to false
-bs <batchsize> batch size, defaults to 1
-c run update workload
-cf <commitfrequency> commit frequency, defaults to 1
-ci create indexes
-create create tables
-cs <connectstring> connect string
-debug turn on debugging. Written to standard out
-di drop indexes
-dr <range> data range : the maximum value of lookups
-full full workload run
-i run insert workload
-m run mixed workload
-o <output> output : valid values are stdout,csv
-ops <operations> operations to perform i.e. select, updates
-p <password> password
-rc <rowcount> row count, defaults to 100
-s run select workload
-sql <select_type> which select statement to run (choices are :
-st <type> benchmark test, relational or document
-t <db> target oracle, mysql or postgresql
-tc <threadcount> thread count, defaults to 1
-ts table sizes
-u <username> username
An example of a command to run the "full" workload against PostgreSQL would be
java -jar SimpleDBTest.jar -u soe -p soe -cs //localhost/domsdb -debug -t postgresql -full -o stdout
You should end up withsomething like
| Test Name | Total Time(ms) | Target |
| Create Tables | 2092 | POSTGRESQL |
| Test Name | Operations | Operations/sec | Connection Time | Total Time | Threads | Target | Commits | Batch | Async |
| Ingest via DML | 1000000 | 52935 | 00:00:00.15 | 00:00:18.891 | 1 | POSTGRESQL | 1000 | 100 | false |
| Ingest via DML | 1000000 | 172295 | 00:00:00.134 | 00:00:05.804 | 5 | POSTGRESQL | 1000 | 100 | false |
| Ingest via DML | 1000000 | 163988 | 00:00:00.496 | 00:00:06.98 | 10 | POSTGRESQL | 1000 | 100 | false |
| Ingest via DML | 1000000 | 165289 | 00:00:00.52 | 00:00:06.50 | 25 | POSTGRESQL | 1000 | 100 | false |
| Ingest via DML | 1000000 | 160591 | 00:00:00.87 | 00:00:06.227 | 50 | POSTGRESQL | 1000 | 100 | false |
| Test Name | Total Time(ms) | Target |
| Create Indexes | 17,665 | POSTGRESQL |
| Test Name | Operations | Operations/sec | Connection Time | Total Time | Threads | Target | Commits | Batch | Async |
| Select : SIMPLE_LOOKUP | 10000 | 12121 | 00:00:00.6 | 00:00:00.825 | 1 | POSTGRESQL | 1000 | 100 | false |
| Select : SIMPLE_LOOKUP | 10000 | 25840 | 00:00:00.7 | 00:00:00.387 | 5 | POSTGRESQL | 1000 | 100 | false |
| Select : SIMPLE_LOOKUP | 10000 | 49751 | 00:00:00.20 | 00:00:00.201 | 10 | POSTGRESQL | 1000 | 100 | false |
| Select : SIMPLE_LOOKUP | 10000 | 46948 | 00:00:00.34 | 00:00:00.213 | 25 | POSTGRESQL | 1000 | 100 | false |
| Select : SIMPLE_LOOKUP | 10000 | 43860 | 00:00:00.65 | 00:00:00.228 | 50 | POSTGRESQL | 1000 | 100 | false |
| Select : SIMPLE_RANGE_SCAN | 10000 | 44 | 00:00:00.23 | 00:03:49.8 | 1 | POSTGRESQL | 1000 | 100 | false |
| Select : SIMPLE_RANGE_SCAN | 10000 | 109 | 00:00:00.8 | 00:01:31.678 | 5 | POSTGRESQL | 1000 | 100 | false |
| Select : SIMPLE_RANGE_SCAN | 10000 | 93 | 00:00:00.39 | 00:01:47.490 | 10 | POSTGRESQL | 1000 | 100 | false |
| Select : SIMPLE_RANGE_SCAN | 10000 | 106 | 00:00:00.47 | 00:01:34.233 | 25 | POSTGRESQL | 1000 | 100 | false |
| Select : SIMPLE_RANGE_SCAN | 10000 | 118 | 00:00:00.135 | 00:01:24.786 | 50 | POSTGRESQL | 1000 | 100 | false |
| Select : SIMPLE_COUNT | 10000 | 1848 | 00:00:00.180 | 00:00:05.410 | 1 | POSTGRESQL | 1000 | 100 | false |
| Select : SIMPLE_COUNT | 10000 | 6345 | 00:00:00.6 | 00:00:01.576 | 5 | POSTGRESQL | 1000 | 100 | false |
| Select : SIMPLE_COUNT | 10000 | 5400 | 00:00:00.18 | 00:00:01.852 | 10 | POSTGRESQL | 1000 | 100 | false |
| Select : SIMPLE_COUNT | 10000 | 5685 | 00:00:00.33 | 00:00:01.759 | 25 | POSTGRESQL | 1000 | 100 | false |
| Select : SIMPLE_COUNT | 10000 | 5875 | 00:00:00.68 | 00:00:01.702 | 50 | POSTGRESQL | 1000 | 100 | false |
| Test Name | Operations | Operations/sec | Connection Time | Total Time | Threads | Target | Commits | Batch | Async |
| Update Tests | 10000 | 6523 | 00:00:00.28 | 00:00:01.533 | 1 | POSTGRESQL | 10 | 5 | false |
| Update Tests | 10000 | 18519 | 00:00:00.163 | 00:00:00.540 | 5 | POSTGRESQL | 10 | 5 | false |
| Update Tests | 10000 | 8673 | 00:00:00.15 | 00:00:01.153 | 10 | POSTGRESQL | 10 | 5 | false |
| Update Tests | 10000 | 10040 | 00:00:00.44 | 00:00:00.996 | 25 | POSTGRESQL | 10 | 5 | false |
| Update Tests | 10000 | 10526 | 00:00:00.81 | 00:00:00.950 | 50 | POSTGRESQL | 10 | 5 | false |
| Test Name | Operations | Operations/sec | Connection Time | Total Time | Threads | Target | Commits | Batch | Async |
| Mixed Workload Tests | 10000 | 1875 | 00:00:00.33 | 00:00:05.332 | 1 | POSTGRESQL | 10 | 5 | false |
| Mixed Workload Tests | 10000 | 3867 | 00:00:00.665 | 00:00:02.586 | 5 | POSTGRESQL | 10 | 5 | false |
| Mixed Workload Tests | 10000 | 5754 | 00:00:00.139 | 00:00:01.738 | 10 | POSTGRESQL | 10 | 5 | false |
| Mixed Workload Tests | 10000 | 6906 | 00:00:00.372 | 00:00:01.448 | 25 | POSTGRESQL | 10 | 5 | false |
| Mixed Workload Tests | 10000 | 6930 | 00:00:00.474 | 00:00:01.443 | 50 | POSTGRESQL | 10 | 5 | false |
The jdbc libraries for the various databases are included in the build but I reccomend that you build from source using the ant file and keep them updated regularly.