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We aheads configuration for Husky.


This config and its dependencies are included in We ahead's tooling packages and don't need to be installed in new We ahead projects. Instead use one of the tooling packages that have all configs and dependencies needed for its use.

Install the config by its own

npx install-peerdeps -d -x '-E' @weahead/husky-config

These files will automatically be created in the root of your project:

.huskyrc.js file with the content:

module.exports = require('@weahead/husky-config');

.cz.json file with the content:

  "path": "cz-conventional-changelog",
  "maxHeaderWidth": 72,
  "maxLineWidth": 72,
  "defaultType": "",
  "defaultScope": "",
  "defaultSubject": "",
  "defaultBody": "",
  "defaultIssues": ""

Turn off Commitizen

Use this config if you don't want help from Commitizen to create commit messages:

git config --global wa.noautocz true

Note! This does not turn off the linting of your commit messages, it only turns off the help from Commitizen when creating the commit message.

