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This is repo is going to talk about the Dart language

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Dart Learning

This repo is going to talk about the basic of dart language

Abstract class

Abstract class is used in Object orineted programmig language for abstraction and encapsulation.


  • abstract keyword used for abstract class.
  • abstract class can run without abstract method.
  • you can add concrete method on abstraction class.
  • Abstract classes can't be instantiated.


abstract class Person is having abstract method personIntro. Which can be vary person to person and displayInfo can be concrete method for all Person.


abstract class Person {


  String name;

  void personIntro();

  void displayInfo() {
    print('Name : $name');


class Boy extends Person {

  void personIntro() {
    print('My name is $name. I am a engineer');


Sealed class

A sealed class acts like a 'locked' or restricted class hierarchy, where all subclasses must be defined in the same file. This restriction creates a controlled set of subclasses, effectively 'locking' the class against any further extension outside of the defined scope.

As Example: Think you have class called result in which you just want to have finit set of outcomes that can be Success and Failed.

sealed class also enables a pattern matching in dart for switch cases.

Final and const keyword

final with variables

It is going throw exception on reinitialization.

It is used when you want to evaluated of your variable at run-time.

Example :;

const with variables

It is used when you want to evaluated of your variable at compile-time.

So using we can variable const if know its value before compilation and don't want to reinitialize it.

final with class

  • if you make class final then it would not be available for any further extension.


  • Static keyword is use with variable and method
  • It is used for memory management
  • variable and method belongs class instead of instance.
  • Dart does not have feature of static bloc and static nested class like java.
  • You can use static variable only in static method bloc.
class Student {

  String name;
  static String collegeName = '';

  static void changeCollegeName() {
    collegeName = 'IIT-Delhi';

Private Named and const Constructor

  • This is used make singleton object in dart.
  • Since dart is not having any object keyword for singleton object creation it creates singleton object through making constructor private.
  • After making constructor private it will not be allowed to create its instance out side of the class.
  • if you add name after underscore it will become Named private constructor.


class Singleton {
  static Singleton? _instance; // Private instance variable

  // Private constructor

  // Factory constructor to provide access to the singleton instance
  factory Singleton.getInstance() {
    if (_instance == null) {
      _instance = Singleton._(); // Creating an instance using the private constructor
    return _instance!;

Parameters in Dart

  • There are mainly three types of parameters exist in dart.
  • after this there are two combination is positionalParamsWithNamed and positionalParamsWithOptional.
  • Positional params: every arguments need to be in actual when you are providing its value.
  • Named params: every arguments gets the name as and need to provide value accordingly. Use curly brace.
  • Optional params: arguments will be optional to provide its value. uses square brackets.


static void namedParams
name}) {
print('Named Params : $name');

static void optionalParams([String? name]) {
print('optionalParams : $name');

static void positionalParams(String? name) {
print('positionalParams : $name');

static void positionalParamsWithNamed(String name, {required String title}) {
print('positionalParamsWithNamed : $name : $title');

static void positionalParamsWithOptional(String name, [String? title]) {
print('positionalParamsWithOptional : $name : $title');


  • Enums are uses for named constant value in dart.
  • Enums provides constant, and you can add your desire object with it.
  • As example, you can create country code enums and provide actual name of country with it.
enum Country {

  const Country(this.countryName);

  final String countryName;

Object-Oriented Programming Concepts


  • Object is real world entity which have behaviour and state. Or we can it is blueprint of class.
  • An object can be defined as instance of class.


  • Class is blueprint from which we create objects. It have methods and variables.


  • Abstraction is the process of hiding internal details and showing required functionality.
  • Abstraction achieve through abstract class and interface.
  • Example: interface or abstract class we just add functionality and whenever we implement it that time we write its internal.
abstract class Car {
  void accelerator();

  void speedBreak();

  void displaySpeed(int speed) {
    print('Speed : $speed');

class BMW extends Car {
  int speed = 0;

  void accelerator() {

  void speedBreak() {


  • Encapsulation is the concept of Binding data and code into single unit.
  • dart class is itself an example of encapsulation.
  • access modifiers are used to provide a limitation on access of variable and methods.


  • Polymorphism provide the ability to access one class for many task.
  • class Shape can be used for Triangle, Circle and Square.
  • Two types of polymorphism
  1. Compile Time (Dart does not support.)
  2. Runtime
  • In compile-time you can provide same name but different parameter to method.
  • Runtime polymorphism done through method overriding.


  • Inheritance is the concept where acquire the all properties of parent class.
  • The class which acquire is known as subclass and the class from it gets is called super class.
  • Inheritance build the IS-A relation between the class. Student IS A kind of Person.
  • Single inheritance :
class A {}

class B extends A {}
  • Multi-level inheritance
class A {}

class B extends A {}

class C extends B {}
  • Multiple Inheritance [Dart does not support] Clas tries to extend two classes.
  • Hierarchical Inheritance [One class get extended in two or more class]
class A {}

class HierarchicalInheritance1 extends A {}

class HierarchicalInheritance2 extends A {}


  • Coupling shows the dependencies among the class.
  • if the class depends on other class in many ways then High coupling
  • if the class do not depend too much on other class then it called low coupling.
  • If the code will be low coupled then it will be easy to remove or refactor.


  • Cohesion defines how effectively elements within module work together to achieve single purpose.

IT is Best practice to write a program which have Low coupling and High cohesion.


  • Association also describe the relationship among the class.
  • It shows HAS-A relation with classes.
  • Categories into Aggregation and Composition.
  • Aggregation is form on association in which two class can survive individually.
  • Composition is form of association where can not survive together if anyone of them get removed.
  • Relationship of player with Team can represent as aggregation as deletion of player does not affect the Team as there are other players exist.
  • Relationship of Car with engine represent composition association as after removing engine car would not survive.

🚀 About Me

I am mobile application developer with experience of android and flutter.


This is repo is going to talk about the Dart language






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