Toolkit for development, test and create smart-contracts on Waves Enterprise ecosystem.
All JS contract SDK documentation, can be found at:
The fastest way to get started with JS Contract SDK is to use contract starter CLI commands.
To create a new project using CLI, run the following command and follow the instructions
npm create we-contract [options] MyContract
The next step is to install new project dependencies:
cd contract-project-path
npm install
After you have all dependencies installed, edit the src/contract.ts
file and write actions you need in your contract:
export default class MyContract {
@State state: ContractState
async greet(
@Param('name') name: string
) {
const Greeting = await this.state.tryGet('Greeting');
assert(Greeting === null, 'you already greeted');
this.state.set('Greeting', `Hello, ${name}`);
Once you finish write your contract actions, you can create your contract to network, i.e to create to local sandbox network run following:
npm run create:sandbox
Make sure you setup your network credentials in contract.config.js
This project is licensed under the MIT License.