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The bare ros docker configuration needed for CI on travis of updated ros/ubuntu versions


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This repository encapsulates the necessary scripts and docker files to set up a docker container for use in Travis-CI that supports testing in a Ubuntu/ROS environment of either:

  • trusty/indigo
  • xenial/kinetic

An example illustrating its usage can be found at the ros_docker_ci_demo repo.


  • Michael Smart (Maintainer)
  • Alex Tomala

Quick Start Instructions

  1. Submodule this repository into the user repo:
git submodule add REPO/RELATIVE/PATH
  1. Create two scripts in the user repo that do CI tasks. The first is scripts/install_deps_for_docker_ci.bash which needs to install all of the user repo's dependencies. The second is a script that performs the desired CI tasks on a container where the dependencies have been installed and the repo is located at root. You can specify this CI-scripts location in (3)

  2. Copy the .travis.yml file from the ros_docker_ci_demo repo. Change all of the items in it marked as 'MODIFY_ME'.


Verbose Usage Instructions

An example illustrating the use of this repository can be found at the ros_docker_ci_demo repo.

The following instructions will replicate creating the setup used in the demo repo.


If using this repo as a submodule, use the git submodule add command within your repository's root folder to add this repo as a submodule:

git submodule add REPO/RELATIVE/PATH

For example:

git submodule add dependencies/ros_docker_ci

to place the submodule at dependencies/ros_docker_ci

Required CI scripts

ros_docker_ci has two requirements of your project structure for its use:

  1. scripts/install_deps_for_docker_ci.bash

The project must contain a scripts/install_deps_for_docker_ci.bash script to direct the installation of repository dependencies inside the docker container. Other than the barebones items indicated in the dockerfile, this script is the only installation script that will be run. Ideally your repository XYZ will already contain an install_all_XYZ_dependencies.bash style script that installs everything (including ros), and then the version of scripts/install_deps_for_docker_ci.bash that you provide only needs to wrap a call to such a dependency install script.

  1. A CI test script

In addition to (1), your repository must provide a singular script that can be called to run the entire CI process for an environment that already has all dependencies installed.

For example, the demo repo has the script scripts/run-ci-tests.bash which sources the relevant ros setup.bash script, runs the utility script to identify relevant environment variables, and then simply runs catkin build to confirm compilation without tests.

set -e  # exit on first error

SCRIPT_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"

source /opt/ros/${ROS_DISTRO}/setup.bash
source $SCRIPT_DIR/identify_environment.bash

sudo apt-get update


catkin build --no-status

The CI test script does not require a specific name or location. You will provide them in the .travis.yml file as parameters to ros_docker_ci's docker scripts.

NOTE: The docker scripts will be mounted to the same location in the docker container as they appear in the Travis-CI build. Accordingly, scripts should not rely on a specific absolute location and should determine paths automatically where required.

The .travis.yml file

A minimal example travis.yml file where ros_docker_ci is located at dependencies/ros_docker_ci is shown below:

# Use ubuntu trusty (14.04) with sudo privileges.
dist: trusty
sudo: required

# Set build matrix and global CI env variables
  - DOCKER_CACHE_DIR=$HOME/docker_cache
  - DOCKER_CI_REL_DIR=dependencies/ros_docker_ci
    - DOCKER_DISTRO=trusty
    - DOCKER_DISTRO=xenial

  - git submodule init
  - git submodule -q update

  - travis_wait 45 bash ${DOCKER_CI_REL_DIR}/docker-setup-ci.bash

  - bash ${DOCKER_CI_REL_DIR}/docker-run-ci.bash scripts/run-ci-tests.bash

  - bash ${DOCKER_CI_REL_DIR}/save-docker-cache-ci.bash

    - $HOME/docker_cache
  timeout: 1200

Environment Setup

The snippet

# Use ubuntu trusty (14.04) with sudo privileges.
dist: trusty
sudo: required

# Set build matrix and global CI env variables
  - DOCKER_CACHE_DIR=$HOME/docker_cache
  - DOCKER_CI_REL_DIR=dependencies/ros_docker_ci
    - DOCKER_DISTRO=trusty
    - DOCKER_DISTRO=xenial

configures the baseline travis-ci environment. Specific to ros_docker_ci are the following variables:

  • DOCKER_CACHE_DIR: this sets where the docker container will be cached between builds. Depending on the dependencies required, caching the docker container can save a significant amount of time on the travis-CI builds.
  • DOCKER_CI_REL_DIR: this sets where the ros_docker_ci container is located. It is a relative path that is based from the user repo's root.
  • DOCKER_DISTRO: this variable is set in a build matrix to dictate what set of distribution confugrations to be built for CI testing. In this example, both trusty and xenial will be built as separate travis-CI jobs.


The snippet

  - git submodule init
  - git submodule -q update

  - travis_wait 45 bash ${DOCKER_CI_REL_DIR}/docker-setup-ci.bash

handles the before_install and install phases of the travis build. The git submodule commands make sure that ros_docker_ci as well as any other required submodules are ready for the build.

The command:

  - travis_wait 45 bash ${DOCKER_CI_REL_DIR}/docker-setup-ci.bash

Locates ros_docker_ci and executes its docker-setup-ci.bash script. The script first checks the cache for a docker container, and loads it if a valid one is found. Otherwise the script runs the scripts/install_deps_for_docker_ci.bash script provided by the user repo to install dependencies in a newly created docker container.


The snippet

  - bash ${DOCKER_CI_REL_DIR}/docker-run-ci.bash scripts/run-ci-tests.bash

handles the script phase of the travis build. The docker-run-ci.bash script takes 1 argument that must be specified here: the user repo's CI script that is used to perform the CI tasks and is given as a repo-relative path.


The snippet

  - bash ${DOCKER_CI_REL_DIR}/save-docker-cache-ci.bash

    - $HOME/docker_cache
  timeout: 1200

handles Travis-CI's cache usage. If the docker container was rebuilt by the docker-setup-ci.bash script, then the updated container will be added to the cache directory. The cache directory set in the cache: segment must contain the directory specified by DOCKER_CACHE_DIR.


The bare ros docker configuration needed for CI on travis of updated ros/ubuntu versions







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