waterlock-ldap-auth is a module for waterlock providing a LDAP authentication method for users based on customizeable LDAP queries. It uses ldapauth-fork to faciliate LDAP authentication.
npm install waterlock-ldap-auth
set the following option in your waterlock.js
config file
name: "waterlock-ldap-auth",
connection: {
url: "ldaps://ldap.example.com:636",
bindDn: "uid=myadminusername,ou=users,o=example.com",
bindCredentials: "mypassword",
searchBase: "ou=users,o=example.com",
searchFilter: "(uid={{username}})",
cache: true
attributes: {}
LDAP auth adds the following attributes onto the Auth model:
entryUUID: {
type: 'string',
unique: true
dn: {
type: 'string',
unique: true
They map the dn
and theentryUUID
values of the LDAP user to the Auth
With the way waterlock is designed and this model you can override any of these attributes.
waterlock-ldap-auth will create a new Auth and User if LDAP authentication succeeds but no Auth/User is found.
It is possible to map attributes from the LDAP user object to the Auth
automatically. Just add objects to the attributes
name: "waterlock-ldap-auth",
connection: { ... },
attributes: {
uid: {
uid: {
type: 'string'
cn: {
fullname: {
type: 'string'
mail: {
email: {
type: 'string'
This example adds a mapping from LDAP to Auth
LDAP | Auth model |
Type |
uid | uid | string |
cn | fullname | string |
string |
Waterlock LDAP Auth is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more details.