Hi there!
You've come to the repository for the code I wrote while producing my ExpressJS screencast series at WatchMeCode.net.
If you're looking for the code to go with a particular episode, want to copy and paste something you saw and like, or would simply like to follow along - you're in the right place!
I've numbered folders in this repository to go with each episode, and have left them all at the end-point of the episode.
This is a multi-part series, currently consisting of 9 episodes. I've taken the MongooseJS code that I wrote for my previous series and have started to build a basic website with it using Express. But instead of focusing on the basics and intro level material for Express, I've taken this to new heights by showing you all my secrets to creating well organized, highly flexible Express applications.
While you won't find a "how to install Express" episode in this series, you will find something that meets just about every other "how do i..." need, when it comes to the advanced topics of really managing and organizing Express applications.
So sit back, relax and get ready to turn your Express apps into something worth talking about and showing off!
If you're interested in the WatchMeCode episode videos, use these links to get to the appropriate place on WatchMeCode.net
Episode 58: Routing And Route Organization
Episode 59: Route Params And Code Cleanup
Episode 60: Sub-Routes And Further Organization
Episode 61: Proper Error Handling w/ Middleware
Episode 62: Organizing Business Logic In Express
Episode 63: The Power of Middleware (coming soon)
Episode 64: Session Management w/ express-session (coming soon)
Episode 65: Session Storage in MongoDB w/ session-mongostore (coming soon)
Episode 66: Cleaning Up Route Methods w/ Middleware (coming soon)
If you find this code useful, please support my efforts to continue producing high quality examples and source by subscribing to WatchMeCode.
The contents of this repisitory are Copyright ©2015 Muted Solutions, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Code in this repository is made available as is, and free of charge to WatchMeCode subscribers. You may use and redistribute this code under the MIT License.