check-receiver is a daemon to receive nagios/icinga/check-mk results pushed through https/http.
It is designed to be placed behind an nginx or apache reverse proxy.
The reverse proxy can authenticate the clients with either HTTP auth or client
certificates and should write the username/CN into a HTTP header.
The header for authentication is configurable, and defaults to X-REMOTE-USER
check-receiver writes the POST data from a client into a file which is constructed from
. (eg. /var/lib/icinga/ramdisk/check-receiver.myhost)
This makes it essentialy maintenance free as username/password or certificate
handling is entierly done by the reverse proxy.
What you need:
- Installed check-receiver daemon on the server
- Working reverse proxy to check-receiver for authentication (client cert or HTTP auth)
- Check-mk installation with added to
- A few hosts tagged with
in check-mk - Those hosts pushing the output of
to your server
Section on how to compile check-receiver and put it on the server
Install go on your system:
apt-get install golang-go
export GOPATH=~/go
mkdir ~/go
Downloading and compile the lastest version of check-receiver
go get
rsync -cvt $GOPATH/bin/check-receiver root@SERVER:/srv/check-receiver
Sample config for apache used as a reverse proxy for check-receiver
Enable needed modules
a2enmod headers
Config snippet
ProxyPass /check-receiver/ http://localhost:8443/
<Location /check-receiver/>
ProxyPassReverse /
AuthName "Check Receiver"
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile auth/check-receiver.auth
Require valid-user
RequestHeader set X-REMOTE-USER %{REMOTE_USER}s
# limit POST to 1MB
LimitRequestBody 1048576
Examples on what is needed on the client side to push check-mk output to the server
Add http authentication information to ~/.netrc
machine SERVER login USER password PASS
Simple crontab script
`* * * * * check_mk_agent | curl -s --netrc --data-binar @- https://SERVER/check-receiver/`
Command to submit check information with proxy
export https_proxy="http://USER:PASS@proxy-url:proxy-port"
check_mk_agent | curl -s --netrc --data-binar @- https://SERVER/check-receiver/
The ramdisk is shared between nagios/icinga and check-receiver which is also in the group nagios. To be able to write to the ramdisk.
From /etc/rc.local:
mountpoint -q /var/lib/icinga/ramdisk || mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /var/lib/icinga/ramdisk -o uid=104,gid=108,mode=2771,size=250m
On Debian uid = uid of nagios gid = gid of nagios
On server:
apt-get install runit
Create required user:
# daemon user
addgroup --system nagrecv
adduser --system --home /nonexistent --no-create-home --disabled-login --ingroup nagrecv nagrecv
adduser nagrecv nagios
# logging user
addgroup --system nagrecvlog
adduser --system --home /nonexistent --no-create-home --disabled-login --ingroup nagrecvlog nagrecvlog
Configure runit and log service
wget -O /usr/local/sbin/sva
chmod 755 /usr/local/sbin/sva
# configure runit service
mkdir -p /etc/sv/check-receiver
cd /etc/sv/check-receiver
ln -s /var/run/sv.check-receiver supervise
# configure logging service
mkdir /etc/sv/check-receiver/log
cd /etc/sv/check-receiver/log
ln -s /var/run/sv.check-receiver.log supervise
wget -O run
chmod 755 run
mkdir conf
echo nagrecvlog >conf/LOGUSER
# enable check-receiver service in runit
ln -s ../sv/check-receiver /etc/service/check-receiver
From source:
rsync -cvt $GOPATH/src/ root@SERVER:/etc/sv/check-receiver/run
Some informations on how to debug check-receiver if you want to hack on it.
# start daemon with default.conf and debug output
./check-receiver -debug
# write data for user "foo"
/bin/echo -e 'a\nb\nc\nd' |curl --data-binary @- -u foo:bar -H "X-REMOTE-USER: foo" http://localhost:8443