Golog is a toy implementation of Go in Prolog. It is meant to be an interesting example of logical programming, not a practical library.
There are many variations of the rules for Go. This implementation adopts the Tromp-Taylor rules. These are sometimes referred to as the 'Logical Rules of Go' and are written in a mostly declarative manner. This makes them an excellent target for a Prolog implementation of Go.
Golog currently supports:
- Playing on a 5x5 board. This can be changed by setting a constant in go.pl. 5x5 was chosen to demonstrate functionality without being too large.
- Alternating turns between Black and White
- Playing stones on points
- Capturing surrounded groups
- Scoring for each player
- Positional super-ko
- Displaying the board state
Golog was written for SWI-prolog. With Homebrew installed, SWI-Prolog can be installed like
brew tap homebrew/x11
brew install swi-prolog
The main
rule will randomly play stones until it breaks the super-ko rule:
$ swipl
Welcome to SWI-Prolog (Multi-threaded, 64 bits, Version 7.2.3)
Copyright (c) 1990-2015 University of Amsterdam, VU Amsterdam
SWI-Prolog comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,
and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
Please visit http://www.swi-prolog.org for details.
For help, use ?- help(Topic). or ?- apropos(Word).
?- [go].
?- main.
Black's Score: 25
White's Score: 0
White to play
Black's Score: 24
White's Score: 23
Black to play