Han JavaScript Template Language and Engine
Han is the surname of my wife, and one of the given names of my daughter and son.
Han is also Chinese in Pinyin, Hànrén.
🙋Hanjst is intentionally designed to stop further "Reinventing the wheel" for HTML template engines though it sounds ridiculous.
Hanjst is a JavaScript-based template language and its engine runs on client-side and/or server-side.
Hanjst can be written with logic expressions and it provides many similar powerful functions with backend templates.
Hanjst's Runtime in client-side, reduce computing render in server-side;
Hanjst is Language-independent, not-bound with backend scripts/languages;
Totally-isolated between MVC, data transfer with JSON;
Full-support template tags with built-in logic and customerized JavaScript functions;
No more tags languages to be learned, just JavaScript;
Put these codes at the end of <body>, i.e. the last element of <body>:
<script type="text/javascript" src="Hanjst.js" async></script>
<!-- other Hanjst template sentences -->
<div id="Hanjstjsondata">
{"title":"Runtime in client-side, reduce computing render in server-side;", "href":"#f1"},
{"title":"Language-independent, not-bound with backend scripts/languages;", "href":"#f2"},
{"title":"Totally-isolated between MVC, data transfer with JSON;", "href":"#f3"}
"copyright_year": 2018
<!-- Hanjst codes begin -->
<script type="text/javascript" async>
window.Hanjst = {'JsonDataId':'Hanjstjsondata', 'IsDebug': true}; // optional
<script type="text/javascript" src="Hanjst.js" async></script>
<noscript>JavaScript Required for Hanjst.</noscript>
<!-- Hanjst codes end -->
<!-- other html sentences-->
Hanjst will be invoked by window.onload and the template sentences will be parsed automatically.
The target result page body will be refreshed and presented with interpreted contents.
Here is a few of short paragraphs written in Hanjst.
<div id="mynewscontentlist">
{foreach $newslist as $page}
<a href="{$newslist[$page]['href']}">{$newslist[$page]['title']}</a>
{if $newslist[$page]['title'].length > 20}
Length is too long.
Length is okay.
<ul><li>No Data.</li></ul>
Try to list an associative list:
<div id="anotherlistdiv">
{for var $k in $userlist}
Id: {$userlist[$k]['id']},
Name: {$userlist[$k]['name'].substring(0, 20)}
<li>No User.</li>
Give random numbers:
<div id="randnum">
{while $i<5}
line {$i}
<li>No Random Number.</li>
Try to be embedded in a html element:
<a href="#atag"{if $user['feedback'] eq "fb2"} class="fb2class"{/if}>
This is a href.
Han JavaScript 模板语言及引擎
Han 是我妻子的姓(韩), 也是出现我女儿和儿子名字中的音节。
Han 也是中文“汉族”的意思。
将下述代码段放置于HTML页面的 body 元素中,通常位于 body 的结束符前, </body> .
<!-- other Hanjst template sentences -->
<div id="Hanjstjsondata">
{"title":"客户端解析,节省服务器端计算资源;", "href":"#f1"},
{"title":"模板语言独立,不与服务器端资源做任何绑定;", "href":"#f2"},
{"title":"纯粹的MVC,层间数据用JSON格式传递;", "href":"#f3"}
"copyright_year": 2018
<!-- Hanjst codes begin -->
<script type="text/javascript" async>
window.Hanjst = {'JsonDataId':'Hanjstjsondata', 'IsDebug': true}; // 可选的
<script type="text/javascript" src="Hanjst.js" async></script>
<noscript>JavaScript Required for Hanjst.</noscript>
<!-- Hanjst codes end -->
<!-- other html sentences-->
` npm install
yarn `
` npm run build
yarn build `
压缩过后的框架代码输出在 dist 目录下.
Hanjst在HTML页面加载时被 window.onload 自动调用。模板语句会被自动解析,结果页面内容会被自动刷新到 body 元素上.
下面是一些 Hanjst 的示例代码。