This repo contains a Latex template file for Pandoc to generate a decent looking PDF right off the bat. If you have any recommendations, or tweaks to make it better, please let me know. I would love to hear from you.
A sample PDF can be seen at sample/The Name of the Document.pdf
- pandoc
- A TexLive package.
Note: On a Mac, I used BasicTex with the packages below installed using tlmgr
Tex Packages:
- tocloft
- textpos
- changepage
- titling
- placeins
- lastpage
- sectsty
pandoc --latex-engine=xelatex --template={/path/to/w8sPDF.template} -V subject="{subject}" -V keywords="{keywords}" -V today="{today}" -V subtitle="{subtitle}" -V draft="{draft}" -V color="{color}" -V iconpath="path/to/icon.png" -V brandingpath="path/to/brandingfile.eps" -f markdown+auto_identifiers --toc -o "{subtitle}.pdf" {mdfile}"
I included a Python script that will run the above command using keywords you define in the script. I find it's a bit easier to use that.
To run it cd
into sample
and run python