Run 0.2.2 in a docker container.
Uses phusion/baseimage (Ubuntu 14.04). Requires a running nominatim for data import. It is built to work together with . The embedded ES database is not exposed as volumes and thus data is removed if container is removed.
To rebuild the image locally execute
docker build --build-arg host=$(docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' nominatim_container) -t photon .
By default the container exposes port 2322
as web port, links nominatim.
To run the container execute
docker run -p 2322:2322 --link nominatim_container:nominatim -ti photon
Connect to the webserver with curl. If this succeeds, open http://localhost:2322/ in a web browser
curl "http://localhost:2322/api?q=berlin"