phphbaseadmin is a hbase admin web tool,it developed using thrift interface,php (CodeIgniter),python(cherrypy,kazoo),bootstrap,kendo ui,jquery and so on.
user grant manage
view table record
create table
batch delete tables
search table record
truncate table record
delete table
update record
delete record
monitor zookeeper
##Support . Support CentOS 5.x or 6.x,Uses Apache Hbase or Cloudera Hbase 0.92 or later ## Prerequisites 1. apache or nginx,php,mysql server 2. Python 2.6 or later from 3. cherrypy from 4. kazoo from 5. Apache Hbase thrift server
##To Do
- hbase 分表监控和其他参数监控。
- 所有hbase记录分页浏览。
- 数据查询条件增加filter。
(1) execute script or to install apache php mysql-server
(2) Follow the standard instructions for installing and running the HBase server ,start thrift server
hbase thrift start or bin/ start thrift
(3) modify ,$configure['hbase_host']=your hbase thrift server
(4) create database phphbaseadmin in mysql server ,import database/phphbaseadmin.sql,edit application/config/database.php,$db['default']['hostname']、 $db['default']['username'] 、$db['default']['password'] = '';
(5) open http://serverip/phphbaseadmin in your browser, default user is admin ,password is admin888
(6) after the user login,select system->user manager menu to set user table grant
(7) select Tables->view menu to view table record
(1) 使用根目录中的 或者 脚本安装所需环境
(2) 启动hbase thrift server
(3) 修改根目录中的配置文件,修改$configure['hbase_host']=你的thrift server服务器地址
(4) 在mysql server中创建数据库phphbaseadmin ,导入database/phphbaseadmin.sql文件,修改application/config/database.php,$db['default']['hostname']、 $db['default']['username'] 、$db['default']['password'] = '';
(5) 打开浏览器访问 http://serverip/phphbaseadmin,缺省用户名admin 密码admin888登录
(6) 登录后选择 system->user manager 菜单设置用户所属hbase table表的所属权限
(7) 选择 Tables->view 菜单即可查看hbase table 记录。