CS567 Team 2 Final Project
Type: Interface with System(A)
Team Members:
SriLekha Kodavati (sk121)
Sindhu Vydana (svydana2)
Ruthwik Pala (ruthwik2)
Vishnu Deep Mandava(vm28)
1.Structure: The game consists of 5 rounds with roles reversing each round.
- Roles: Each round features one player as the clue giver and the other as the guesser.
- Clue Giving: A 'taboo' card displays words the clue giver cannot use. The clue giver provides a single-word clue within 90 seconds.
- Guessing: The guesser tries to guess the word within 90 seconds. A correct first guess earns 5 points.
- Second Clue: If the first guess is incorrect, the clue giver offers a second clue. A correct guess after the second clue earns 3 points.
- Discussion: After each question, the answer and the source are revealed. Players can discuss about the question and strategize for the next rounds.
- npm has to be installed - npm install
- Node.js should be initialized for Backend - npm init
- Run the following commands to install modules:
- npm install react-scripts --save
- npm install web-vitals
- npm install express socket.io
- npm install socket.io-client