Fail Gmail Bug in Gmail Social engineering? Not really
X-Frame-Options (allows to iframe next url)
( forces to logout)
After we make death we make Redirection to auth into google account which makes redirection to google form which does not ask for permission<mpl=forms&flowName=GlifWebSignIn&flowEntry=ServiceLogin
- google form which looks very simmilar to gmail login page
Scenario attack: -> Browser/OS: Chrome/Firefox . Windows, Linux.Feel free to rewrite it for mobile Chrome and Safari.
Usage: upload html to your hosting, navigate and you will be able to understand how this works.
Youtube video:
Alternative, redirect with more trust
OR make it look even more dangerous.
02.05.2019 Mr.Google says:
We're sorry. You can't access this item because it is in violation of our Terms of Service.
Sure he will,but WHAT about support answer, LOL. Failed