- Update vsf-odoo version to 1.5.1
- Fix Lint errors
- Add middlewareUrl to fix session loss problem
What's Changed
- [FIX] removed unused piece from product page by @ekhan-odoogap in #10
- [FIX] hover issue fixing in login modal by @ekhan-odoogap in #11
- [FIX] copy shipping address into billing address in checkout page by @ekhan-odoogap in #12
- [FIX] add to cart and wishlist into list view by @ekhan-odoogap in #13
- [FIX] Old price shouldn't be visible if it's equal to current price by @ekhan-odoogap in #15
- [FIX] show products on per page by @ekhan-odoogap in #16
- [IMP] Update VSF Core version by @ekhan-odoogap in #18
- [FIX] Old and new price visibility by @ekhan-odoogap in #17
- [FIX] 14074-Continue-button-should-be-always-active by @ekhan-odoogap in #19
- [FIX] 14076-Wishlist-issues-solve by @ekhan-odoogap in #24
- [FIX] 14070-Add-to-shopping-cart-should-open-the-cart by @ekhan-odoogap in #20
- [FIX] 14069-Qty-selector-should-work by @ekhan-odoogap in #21
- [FIX] 13799-Show-on-page-should-work by @ekhan-odoogap in #22
- [IMP] 14072 new way to add product to wishlist from product page by @ekhan-odoogap in #23
- [FIX] 13265-Fix-style-on-cart by @ekhan-odoogap in #25
- [FIX] 14073 add to wish list does not work by @ekhan-odoogap in #26
- [FIX] Checkout go back by @ekhan-odoogap in #27
- Update vsf-ui to 13.6 by @odranoelBR in #29
- v1.5.0 by @odranoelBR in #30
- Update env example and yarn lock by @odranoelBR in #31
- [ADD] middlewareurl to config by @odranoelBR in #33
- Release v1.5.1 by @odranoelBR in #34
Full Changelog: v1.5.0...v1.5.1