Scalable Parallelization of BLAST Sequence Alignment Using Spark
Used to build SparkLeBLAST (
We conducted our experiments using Spark v2.2.0. (
SparkLeBLAST works independent of a specific BLAST version. We recently tested it with BLAST v2.13.0: (
For usage on an HPC cluster with SLURM workload manager (details below), there are two approaches:
- Use the shipped start_spark_slurm.sbatch script
- USe spark-slurm ( Note: spark-slurm enables more flexible configurations and logging options. It may need some edits to adapt it to your runtime environment. Our adapted version is available at: (
- Environment variables
export SPARK_HOME=<path/to/installed/spark/directory> # Where pre-built Spark was downloaded from dependencies abpve
export SPARK_SLURM_PATH=</path/to/spark-slurm> # if using spark-slurm
export NCBI_BLAST_PATH=</path/to/ncbi_blast/binaries>
export SLB_WORKDIR=$(pwd) # Path to SparkLeBLAST root directory
- Partitioning and formatting a BLAST database:
./SparkLeMakeDB -p <num_partitions> -time <job_time_integer_minutes> -i <input_DB_path> -t <output_partitions_base_path>
- Running BLAST search:
./ -p <num_partitions> -time <job_time_integer_minutes> -q <query_file_path> -db <database_partitions_base_path> -d <spark_logs_path>
A version of launch scripts without SLURM will be available soon
Preprocessed Query: Compressed file could be found in this repo under covdiv_sample
Database (Compressed Raw Size of 144GB):
Youssef, Karim, and Wu-chun Feng. "SparkLeBLAST: Scalable Parallelization of BLAST Sequence Alignment Using Spark." 2020 20th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGRID). IEEE, 2020.
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