This website serves as an encyclopedia of various creatures of the Magical World by classifying and describing them.
There is a Home page for an introduction to the wizarding world some basic information about the wizarding world and an introduction to various types of creatures. If users want to get more information about a specific category of creatures, they can watch it by clicking on the watch more button and getting redirected to a new webpage. Search functionality has been implemented for filtering by name one can search for his favorite creature directly. Users logged in would be able to bookmark any specific creature and save it to their reading list to read later, or they can register for the first time. There is an encyclopedia page with cards of all the magical creatures and quiet details about them. One can redirect to know more about it using the know more button. There is a show list page that lists the names of all magical creatures. One can click on its name to know more about it.
Home page for an introduction to the wizarding world A page introducing various types of creatures A page introducing details of specific creatures A show list page with names of all magical creatures as a list Encyclopedia page with details of creatures as cards Search functionality for filtering by name
Bookmark capabilities have been added to save the data of users to reading lists and not miss out.
- Frontend: [Framework/Stack] HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, and a couple of JS libraries to make our website look awesome.
- Backend: [Framework/Stack] Python Flask and its subsidiary libraries like flask-sqlalchemy, flask-wtforms, flask-bcrypt for hashing passwords.
- Database: [Database System] sqlite3 python library