- daUrl : http://web.quakelive.fr/CGraphz
- Login/Pass : admin/pass
- Database is reseted once per hour
aptitude install mysql-server mysql-client php5 libapache2-mod-php5 php5-mysql
cd /var/www/
git clone http://github.com/Poil/CGraphz.git
- MySQL : mysql -u root -p -e "source /var/www/CGraphz/sql/initial_cgraphz_1.51.sql;"
- Configuration
- Edit /var/www/CGraphz/config/config.php.tpl
- Move /var/www/CGraphz/config/config.php.tpl to /var/www/CGraphz/config/config.php
mv /var/www/CGraphz/config/config.php.tpl /var/www/CGraphz/config/config.php
- Open your webbrowser and goto http://localhost/CGraphz
- Login : admin
- Password : pass
- Goto Administration / Serveurs
- Add servers, you can enter a description
- Goto Administration / Projets
- Click on the project "test"
- Put some servers in this project
- Add the admin group to the permissions tab
- You can now go on dashboard and view your RRDs