Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
admin_username | Administrator username to create | string | stack |
no |
allowed_cidr_ranges | Comma separated list of allowed network ranges | string | |
no |
backups | Choose whether to enable backups | string | false |
no |
domain | Domain name, e.g. This must already be associated with your DigitalOcean account | string | - | yes |
image_name | DigitalOcean image to use | string | ubuntu-16-04-x64 |
no |
monitoring | Choose whether to enable instance monitoring | string | false |
no |
private_networking | Choose whether to enable private networking | string | true |
no |
region | DigitalOcean region to place the bastion host in | string | sgp1 |
no |
size | Droplet size to create | string | s-1vcpu-1gb |
no |
ssh_keys | Comma separated list of SSH keys to associate with the bastion instance | list | - | yes |
tags | Comma separated list of tags to associate with the instance | string | role:bastion |
no |
Name | Description |
hostname | Hostname of the bastion instance |
ip_address | IP address of the bastion instance |