Begin by cloning and entering into the root directory.
git clone
cd goals-for-gordon
To make sure you can connect to the database, you need a .env file containing the MONGODB_URL. This file does not get committed. To get this file, click the link below and move the .env file in the server root directory at
as shown in file structure diagram.
NOTE: If the file downloaded is named “index.env” please rename to “.env” before installing
Follow either Running with Docker or Running Native steps below to install and run the client and server
To access the full build, enter the client address into a web browser.
Client address localhost:5173
The server can also be interacted with separately by sending requests to the server address
Server address localhost:5000
Ensure you download and run Docker daemon.
cd server
npm install nodemon
cd ..
docker-compose up --build
This will build the entire environment for development (frontend + backend)
To run native, you must use multiple terminal windows or a terminal multiplexer such as tmux.
In one terminal window, run the following commands:
cd server
npm install
npm install nodemon
npm run dev-up
In a seperate terminal window, run the following commands:
cd client
npm install
npm run dev
HTTP_REQUEST_TYPE /route/route/<variable value in route> => Response Body
GET /user/list => [User Objects]
Get all users
POST /user/login
: attempt logging in by email and password using jwt
If email is wrong: respond with 401 with message "wrong email"
If password is wrong: respond with 401 with message "wrong password"
GET /user/<mongo_id> => {User Object}
Get user by mongo_id
GET /user/findByCompany/<companyId>/<employeeId> => {User Object}
Get an employee's manager via comapnyId + managerId OR any employee via companyId + employeeId
GET /user/manager/listEmployees/<companyId>/<managerId> => [User Objects]
Get all of a manager's employees, where managerId is a manager’s “employeeId” field
GET /user/email/<email> => [User Objects]
Get users identified by email
POST /user/edit/<mongo_id> => {Updated User Object}
Edit a user with given mongo_id with fields in request body JSON (used for updating only mutable fields preferredName and profileImgDir)
GET /goal/list => [Goal Objects]
Get all goals
GET /goal/<mongo_id> => {Goal Object}
Get goal by mongo_id
GET /goal/employee/<mongo_id> => [Goal Objects]
Get all goals created by an employee, query by employee's mongo_id
DELETE /goal/<mongo_id> => {Deleted Goal Object}
delete goal by mongo_id
POST /goal/create => {Created Goal Object}
Create a goal with fields in request body
POST /goal/edit/<mongo_id> => {Edited Goal Object}
Edit a goal with given mongo_id with fields in request body JSON
GET /comment/list => [Comment Objects]
Get all comments
GET /comment/<mongo_id> => {Comment Object}
Get comment by its mongo_id
GET /comment/employee/<mongo_id> => [Comment Objects]
Get all comments associated with employee mongo_id
GET /comment/goal/<mongo_id> => [Comment Objects]
Get all comments associated with goal mongo_id
DELETE /comment/<mongo_id> => {Deleted Comment Object}
delete goal by mongo_id
POST /comment/create => {Created Goal Object}
Create a comment with fields in request body
POST /comment/edit/<mongo_id> => {Edited Goal Object}
edit a comment with given mongo_id with fields in request body JSON
JSON objects including at least the required fields can be sent via requests and parsed into database documents.
Immutable fields cannot be altered after initial document creation
firstName: String, //Required, Immutable
lastName: String, //Required, Immutable
employeeId: Number, //Immutable
email: String, //Required, Immutable
companyId: Number, //Immutable
companyName: String, //Immutable
managerId: Number, //Immutable
positionTitle: String, //Immutable
startDate: String, //Immutable
isManager: Boolean, //Required, Immutable
password: String, //Required, Immutable
preferredName: String,
profileImageDir: Buffer //(String)
title: String, //Required
description: String, //Required
startDate: Date, //Required
endDate:Date, //Required
category: //Required
String Enumerator ["personal", "performance", "developmental"],
status: //Default: Inactive
String Enumerator ["inactive", "active", "complete"],
poster: Mongoose Object ID (String) //Required
content: String, //Required
poster: Mongoose Object ID (String), //Required
goal: Mongoose Object ID (String) //Required
┣ client *todo*
┣ public
┣ src
┣ .vscode // Folder describe vscode editor configs
┣ .dockerignore // What files to ignore when copying into docker image
┣ .gitignore // What files to ignore when uploading to github
┣ Dockerfile // How to make a docker image from this file structure
┣ // Documentation on this module
┣ package.json // Dependencies, scripts, etc
┣ package-lock.json // How to carry these dependencies to *Do not Edit*
┣ tsconfig.config.json
┣ tsconfig.json
┣ vite.config.ts // vue package config, called vite becuase we use vite runtime
┣ env.d.ts
┗ index.html // Entry point to html application
┣ server // Where all the files for server live
┣ src // Primary source files here
┣ db
┣ schemas // Schemas for the database
┗ <schemaHere>.js
┣ controllers // Controllers for the routes
┗ <controllerHere>.js
┣ index.js // Entry point for schema module
┗ test.json // Test data
┣ routes // routers for API
┗ <routerHere>.js
┗ util.js //contains utility functions
┣ Dockerfile // File describes our custom docker image
┣ .env //This file is not distributed through github
┣ package.json // Describes dependancies for server
┣ server.js // Entry/main files for server
┣ docker-compose.yaml // Describes how to run all docker images
┗ .gitignore // what won't be uploaded to git