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Actor extensions

diklimchuk edited this page Jan 26, 2021 · 1 revision

Mapping events in Actor

When mapping events it's recommened to use extentions from MappingActor.kt. This is required to handle command result logging.


fun execute(command) = when (command) {
  is CommandWithoutResult -> repository.doSomething()
  is CommandWithImportantResult -> repository.doSomethingElse()
    .mapEvents(Internal::OnCommandSuccess, Internal::OnCommandError)
  is CommandWithImporantSuccess -> repository.doAnotherThing()
  is CommandWithImportantError -> repository.doOneMoreThing()

Debounce + switchMap

To implement debounce and switchMap inside Actor you can use Switcher


  • Usubscribe from previous command execution when the next one starts
private val switcher = Switcher()

fun execute(command: SomeCommand) = when (command) {
  is Command -> switchOn(switcher) { 
  • Debounce + switchMap
private val switcher = Switcher()

fun execute(command: SomeCommand) = when (command) {
  is Command -> switchOn(switcher, delayMillis = 300) { 
  • Execute only one command of two type at each moment in time and cancel all the other onces.
// Note: the same swithcer instance for both commands
private val switcher = Switcher()

fun execute(command: SomeCommand) = when (command) {
  is FirstCommand -> switchOn(switcher) { 
  is SecondCommand -> switchOn(switcher) { 
  • switchMap for two different commands
// Note: different swithcer instances
private val firstCommandSwitcher  = Switcher()
private val secondCommandSwitcher

fun execute(command: SomeCommand) = when (command) {
  is FirstCommand -> switchOn(firstCommandSwitcher) { 
  is SecondCommand -> switchOn(secondCommandSwitcher) { 