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This is an official implementation for the paper
Motion Style Transfer: Modular Low-Rank Adaptation for Deep Motion Forecasting
6th Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL), 2022.
Parth Kothari*,
Danya Li*,
Yuejiang Liu,
Alexandre Alahi
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
We propose efficient adaptation of deep motion forecasting models pretrained in one domain with sufficient data to new styles with limited samples through the following designs:
a low-rank motion style adapter, which projects and adapts the style features at a low-dimensional bottleneck
a modular adapter strategy, which disentangles the features of scene context and motion history to facilitate a fine-grained choice of adaptation layers
Install pipenv
After pipenv installation:
cd l5kit
pipenv install --dev -e .
pipenv shell
cd ..
Due to License issues, we cannot provide data from the L5Kit dataset. Please follow the instructions from the L5Kit authors for downloading and setting the path to data directory.
Run: sh
For Full model finetuning: make scene_transfer_full_finetune
For partial model finetuning (last layers): make scene_transfer_partial_finetune
For adaptive normalization: make scene_transfer_adaptive_layernorm
For motion style adapters (ours): make scene_transfer_mosa
make pretrain_l5kit
Note: Larger batchsize speeds up the training process.
Our code is built upon the public code of the following repositories: