This is a wrapper project for XMPPFramework to easily integrate xmpp methods.
For demo example, change only host name in AppDelegate.h file and you are good to go. Otherwise create your own project by performing following steps.
The minimum deployment target is iOS 8.0 / macOS 10.9 / tvOS 9.0
- Connect/Disconnect with jabber server.
- Get Online/Offline
- User registration
- User authentication.
- Receive presence
- Send/Receive message (Set users as roster from jabber server to receive presence and send/receive message)
Step - 1: Create an objective c project and a initialise podfile.
Step - 2: Add following in your Podfile
pod ‘XMPPFramework’, ‘~>3.7’
(Version is important)
Step - 3: Drag and Drop "AppDelegateXMPP" folder in your project.
Step - 4: Navigate to project through terminal and fire command pod install
Step - 5: Copy/Paste content from AppDelegate.h
file. (See example)
Step - 6: Add following code snippet in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions
[DDLog addLogger:[[DDTTYLogger alloc] init];
[self setupStream];
We have integrated methods with AppDelegate file. Utilise it according to your requirement. See example to understand how to use this library.
- Virtual Reality Systems