This application is a business directory built with React Native and Expo. It uses Clerk for authentication and Firebase for backend storage. Users can browse various business categories, view detailed business information, add new businesses, and rate/review existing ones. The application features three main tabs: Home, Profile, and Explore.
- Home Tab: Displays a list of business categories.
- Profile Tab: Allows users to sign in and sign out, and view their profile details.
- Explore Tab: Users can explore detailed information about businesses, including ratings and reviews, and add new businesses to the directory.
- React Native: For building the mobile application.
- Expo: For building, deploying, and testing the application.
- Clerk: For authentication (user sign in and sign out).
- Firebase: For backend storage and managing business data.
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd Business-directory-app
Install dependencies:
npm install
Set up Firebase:
- Create a Firebase project at Firebase Console.
- Add your Firebase configuration to the project.
Set up Clerk:
- Create a Clerk application at Clerk Console.
- Add your Clerk configuration to the project.
Start the Expo server:
npm start
Use an emulator or scan the QR code with your mobile device to run the application.