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MarkDilley edited this page Feb 27, 2012 · 6 revisions

A lot of kind people have asked how can they contribute to this project. So this is a summary of the different paths you can follow to help its developers.


Do you have any experience with Objective-C? The codebase is not too difficult to understand, and right now it is one of the most attractive platform to start hacking into. If you want to give it a try and have time, the README file explains how to fork the project and compile it.

Any coding help is very welcome, since there is only one active developer right now. Me.


Can you speak any language other than English? Then join our translation team. Another valid possibility is to travel around the world selecting those countries that have a significant your-language-speaking population.

Without any experience you can translate the whole application in a new language in under an hour. Since most of the work is already done, developers only bother you from time to time to translate a new string (a less-than-five-minutes task).


If you do not display a special talent, you can always rely on money. Quantity really does not matter, I appreciate the gesture with all my heart even if it is only a beer. You know, because nothing says I love you like a pile of cash, except maybe a drunk audience.

When you make up your mind, go to the donate page and write a random digit followed by several zeroes. Think of the children and the poor TV networks. Anyway for legal reasons I must state very clearly that I cannot accept quantities exceeding 50 million euros. In that case I recommend you to split the money in equal shares and then proceed to send me as many donations as you need.


Having no talent and no money, have you considered leveraging your time with good old fashioned marketing? You can talk about TVShows in your preferred social network, retweet the official account, assault without notice strangers on the street, upload a video to YouTube using TVShows or argue with your friends about why TVShows is the best thing since professional wrestling.

A very special kind of promotion that we specially love is writing about us in software review sites. If there is activity at those sites (and good press), more people will be attracted to the application. If there are more people, we are happier. If we are happier, chances are that we continue developing this awesome application you like so much. This is a list of the most popular ones:


Since you are using the application, how about sending me bugs? If something does not work, or directly crashes, send me a bug report using the application button (find it!). Please explain with your words what do you wanted to do, specifically declaring which show you were managing. It is just better if you append the full log: go to Application->About tab->View Logs, copy the text and paste it in the window. And, well, since you are now in GitHub, I can safely assume that you know how GitHub Issues works, so please search for your issue before reporting it again.


This is like donating money but without its nasty material implications. Poor people call it religion, rich people in exclusive cults call it karma. You send me an email with compliments about TVShows and I gain all the praying power intended for the gods. That very people think that this is enough to take a big load off your head for actually doing something with your strong emotions. Nevertheless my ego thanks you.

Just... Use It

Ok, let's recapitulate. You have no talent, no money, no friends, no time, no desire and, somehow, you want to contribute so much you are reading this article from cover to cover. Bravo.

Jokes apart, this application only exists because of you. Really. It was created like many other machines (remote controllers, potato peelers, automated SMS messages, etc.), to avoid doing by hand a rather tiresome and dull task. And it kind of works. However I appreciate that you are happy with it so, unless otherwise specified, if you do not complain then I will assume you are 100% fine with TVSHows.


  • If you are programmer, fork the project, make your changes and request my full attention.
  • If you can speak several languages, translate the application in a breeze.
  • If you have money, give it all to me.
  • If you have friends and no scruples, then viral-drive TVShows for me.
  • If you have found any bug using the application, then send it to me with all relevant data available.
  • If you are poor or ugly, you can still send fan mail. Hint: plain old inter-gender human sex tapes also work just fine.
  • In any case, keep using the application. It is the thin tie that binds us.


Gimme your money and/or your porn.

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