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The all new ProjectFlowAndTracker Chicago based on Panels Everywhere and OG PFT is bootstrapping itself, being used for its own creation, and will be usable soon. The Project Flow & Tracker project is now public and promoted to front page so you can browse the read-only functionality. Now close to first release of "Chicago", PFT is now a public project visible and accessible to all for browsing. The next step is to make it available as a distribution profile on, and to provide it online as a service, replacing the pre-alpha release. There will always be a usable version free as in beer, speech and the workplace (should be). Source always under GPL. If you are one of the more than one hundred good folks been exploring up till now, you will already have an account when this happens. Follow on

(leave comments with your questions and concerns there)

Installation instructions

  • Click on that button and download the 14 MB file.
  • Unpack it into a directory
  • Create a database and database user
  • Copy ./sites/default/default.settings.php to ./sites/defalt/settings.php and enter the MySql db and db user info
  • Make sure ./sites/default/files is writeable for the browser.
  • Restore ./sites/default/backup/db/db.sql into that database
  • Create a virtual host, or similar, and point your browser there and it should be basically working.
  • Admin password: admin/admin