Releases: viadee/sonarQuest
Release (Hotfix)
Release 0.8.5
Hi everyone,
just a small release for a security bug fixed and some cleanup - thx @nuhrberg !
Have a nice day,
Release 0.8.4: Automatic upload to GHCR
This small release adds automatic docker container upload functonallity to GitHub Container Registry
Release 0.8.0
It's been a while since our last release and there have been some huge changes. Thank you for all the time, work and love you all put into SonarQuest <3
Here is a non-complete list of changes and features:
- UI/Login-Page Update (ty @surfermicha for all changes in the UI!)
- SQ Favicon (ty @surfermicha)
- #244 A Alarm Bell is rising in the menu for unseen events (ty @nuhrberg)
- #268 Dockerization (ty @surfermicha & @h-huss)
- Event system (ty @CINO-DE)
Also, the following Issues were fixed and updated:
- Some fixes in loading graphics in the UI and event fixes (ty @CINO-DE)
- Some updates and cleanup, among them an update angular dependencies to v8 (ty @mehrad-rafigh)
- #253 (ty @surfermicha & @shawly )
- #261 (ty @Kalinow)
- Github token problems were solved (ty @fkoehne)
- #262 Spring Boot update & Flyway update (ty @surfermicha)
- #267 Java version updates & cleanup (ty @ChristopherRBrown)
- #269 Update Readme (ty @h-huss)
- #272 Travis CI removed (ty @fkoehne)
Just follow the updated instructions on the front page to run SQ with docker (ty to @h-huss and @surfermicha for the Dockerization work).
Alternatively you can use the runnable jar attached here.
Hope I did not forget anyone who participated in the release but if so - please forgive me!
Have fun playing y'all!
Release 0.7.2
Fix release 0.7.2 with lots of small and medium changes and lots of work in the testing "department".
Huge thx @surfermicha for the new login portal and @nuhrberg for all the bugfixing done with artefacts and skills!
Fixes include
- issues #197 #220 #221 and #222
Changes include - new portal login page
and lots of optimizations and Angular test fixes.
I attached the runnable JAR for the sonarquest backend to the release notes.
Have fun playing!
Release 0.7.1
Release 0.7.0
Feature release that contains
- the new "Event"-System (thx @CINO-DE )! - a real biggie that allows for chats and displays in a chat-like log what is happening in SonarQuest based on websocket
- design fixes like a new login dialogue
- user now has an email property (thx @nuhrberg )
- issues now know what SonarQube rule they are based on (thx @nuhrberg )
and the following fixes are also included:
- a cors websocket fix (thx @ChristopherRBrown )
- Sorting issues by severity when choosing them for a quest as gm
and lots more! Big thank you to everybody who helped us make this step possible!
Here is the list of all contained fixed issues:
#210 , #211 , #212 , #213 , #214 , #215 , #208 , #205
Release 0.6.2
Hotfix release which fixes the Issue #198 (task rewards not paid out when updating the sonarqube issues as a gm).
Release 0.6.1
Fix release after the CN1 release. Includes some features as well.
Changes are:
- Angular 7 fixes
- Marketplace artefact details fixed
- Skill saving issues on artefacts
- #196
- gm can now jump to the issues when creating a quest
- Trailing slash removed in sonarqube server url when saving
Release 0.6.0 "Coding Night 1"
Big release with lots of features being delivered and quite a few bugfixes as well. Lots of work is based on the community participation in our first "SonarQuest Coding Night" (yay!) and thus I decided to label the relase fittingly.
Due to some breaking changes, this release is not
Major features are (in no particular order):
- An admin may see and change role permissions #171 with thx @CINO-DE
- Dockerized with thx @sebastiansirch
- Table renaming for Oracle DB support
- #183 SonarQuest FE / Quests / Rework quests presentation layout (#187) with thx @hak6593
- #182 Quests now list their creator
- Angular 5 to 7 upgrade with thx @Sijoma
⚠️ this requires dev installations to be updated⚠️ - #151 Admin UI shows the last login time of players with thx @ChristopherRBrown
Notable bugfixes:
- Various marketplace fixes (creating/editing/purchasing items, skill display)
- Dark/Light design switching
- Deletion of quests and adventures improved
- Avatar loading bug fixed
- missing levels in dev list in the admin ui
- #184 thx @fkoehne
- #185 thx @Sijoma
- #186 thx @ChristopherRBrown
- #161 thx @fkoehne
- Usability improvement: "New adventure" button disabled if it makes no sense to create an adventure with thx @Sijoma
- #181 thx @CINO-DE
- Minor refactorings with thx @nuhrberg
I am really proud of all the work and spirit the community has so far invested in SQ and I am looking forward to the future development of SonarQuest!