- Clone the repo
- pre- requisite(MUST INSTALL) Install Node.js at https://nodejs.org/en/ download Metamask extension at https://metamask.io download and install Ganache at https://trufflesuite.com/ganache/
- open ganache and create a new workspace
- Under TRUFFLE PROJECTS section within the WORKSPACE tab, add truffle-config.js located at ..\PASS_Research_Summer_2022\truffle in the cloned repo
- Go to the SERVER tab and change port number to 8545
- Click save workspace
- Once metamask is installed, create an account(this will be automatically prompted)
- Make sure ganache client is running
- Navigate to metamask extension, and click on Ethereum mainnet at the top
- click add network, and add the following information Network name: any name New RPC URL: Chain ID: 1337 Currency Symbol: ETH
- click save.
- cd into /institution
- in the /institution - type npm install
- once everything is installed - type npm run devstart
- cd into /truffle and type "npm install -g truffle"
- then type "truffle migrate" (make sure ganache is running)
- cd into /client folder
- in the /client terminal - type npm install
- Once everything is installed, type npm start
- If a browser doesn't load, go to any browser and type in localhost:3000
message me with any questions. Thank you!