There are five main capabilities of Kyverno:
- Resource Validation
-Is it allowed? - 'Yes' or 'No' response
-'No' usually includes a custom message about WHY
- Resource Mutation
-Should the resource be changed? If so, how?
-Good for adding information that is only known at runtime
- Resource Generation
-Kyverno can create new Kubernetes resources
-For example, if a new namespace is created, clone a specific secret
*Resource generation enables multitenancy*
- Software Supply Chain
-Kyverno has a rule type 'Verify Images' that can verify signatures & verify attestations
-Secures container images and other OCI artifacts
*Verify images supports both Sigstore and Notary*
- Resource Clean Up
-Clean up any resource
-For example, remove old pods based on age
- Install
by following the instructions in - Watch if you are not familiar with Charm Gum.
# TODO: kapp-controller
chmod +x manuscript/policies/
source .env
cat policies/kyverno.yaml
cp policies/kyverno.yaml infra/policies.yaml
git add .
git commit -m "Policies"
git push
kubectl get clusterpolicies
# Wait until the policies are created
export POLICY_KIND=clusterpolicy
yq --inplace ".policies.type = \"kyverno\"" settings.yaml
yq --inplace ".policies.kind = \"$POLICY_KIND\"" settings.yaml
cp $GITOPS_APP/cncf-demo-$TEMPLATES.yaml apps/cncf-demo.yaml
git add .
git commit -m "CNCF Demo"
git push