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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jun 13, 2023. It is now read-only.


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Getting started

  • Clone this repo
  • Run pod install (make sure you are using CocoaPods 1.8.0 and higher)
  • Open vexl.xcworkspace

API Documentation



  • We use MVVM-C architecture based on RxSwift.
  • For every Scene in the app create new folder under Scenes with at least ViewController, ViewModel and Coordinator.
  • Small generic views should be placed in View folder. Try to structure these views into groups when possible.
  • Every Coordinator has return value, which is Observable. Make sure you always return something when closing the scene, because of memory leaks.
  • In Debug enviroment is log with current RxSwift resources. Use this for checking any memory leaks. When you open the scene and close it properly, resources should go down to previous value.
  • Whenever you create a closure make sure, there can't be retain cycle. Use [weak self] or [unowned self] when you are sure self can never be nil.
  • Localize every single string in project!
  • Place all constants in Constants struct!
  • App appearance should be always in Appearance struct!
  • Try to keep the project as simple as possible! When you have a small viewController, don't create viewModels, coordinator etc.

GIT flow

  • There are two main branches: master and devel.
  • Never push to master branch!
  • master branch contains released version to AppStore and should have tag with version number.
  • devel is used for our development.
  • Create new branch for every task. Only hot fixes should be pushed to devel branch.
  • When you need to merge your branch do devel, create merge request and assign someone to check it before merge.
  • Also make a rebase from current devel branch and resolve all conflicts before merging.


  • In project are 4 configurations:
  • Debug - for local development
  • Devel - for Firebase App Distribution releases (testing)
  • AppStore - for final release to AppStore.
  • Every configuration has it's own schema to simplify builds.
  • Production key is stored at our google drive.

Continuous integration

  • This project has configured CI and CD using Gitlab CI and Fastlane
  • Stage Lint - runs Swiftlint and creates a report
  • Stage Test - build the app and runs tests
  • Stage Deploy - automated deploy to HockeyApp and AppStoreConnect
  • Stage Lint and Test runs with every push to any branch
  • When you push (merge) to devel branch, new build will be automatically send to Firebase. CI increases the build number, creates an appropriate tag and pushes changes to git.
  • From any branch except master and devel you can deploy Firebase build manually.
  • When you push (merge) to master branch, you can deploy production AppStore build manually.
  • If your commit message contains [ci skip] or [skip ci], using any capitalization, the commit will be created but the pipeline will be skipped.

Used tools


We use R.Swift for strong typing images, localized strings, etc.


A tool to enforce Swift style and conventions.


Struct for styling UI elements (UIButton, UILabel, etc.). These styles can be reused for multiple elements and also defined as global Styles in Appearance struct.

static let titleLabel = UIViewStyle<UILabel> {
    $0.font = Appearance.font(ofSize: 24, weight: .bold)
    $0.textAlignment = .center
    $0.textColor = Appearance.Colors.title
    $0.numberOfLines = 1


A Swift Autolayout DSL for iOS


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